Finally got my hp1000 back from its long journey from joe Grado. Time to make up for long lost listening in these next two weeks before school starts. Since its been awhile I haven't quite pinned down how significant the upgrade has been, and honestly, it sounds as good as I remember them sounding. I did have a chance to play some of my newly mastered choral performances of my choirs from this past school year, and would say the level of detail and resolution seems to have increased. Changes and contrast in dynamics seem a bit more dramatic. Tonal balance appears to be the same, maybe just a bit more open on top. I have been listening to the rs1 for awhile so I am sure those are coloring my impressions, will need to compare with a stock HP to be sure. Will spend more time.
I did get the new super pads - they Have a little more depth and feel more firm but otherwise Look exactly the same. The new cable appears to be simply the ultra wide but doubled up, each side has its own ultra wide with 4 conductors on each side, and a new plug which I have seen before but can't recall who the manufacturer is.