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recstar24 last won the day on March 30 2023

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About recstar24

  • Birthday 04/27/1982

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  • Location
    Roselle, IL
  • Occupation
    Middle School music teacher and Choir director

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  1. vinyl me please reissue. Had this thing on pre-order from last year
  2. Yeah that’s a good call. I hope NP agrees to relinquish a pair or two to you - it’s the least he can do lol. I recall at one point he was able to procure all stock that existed (because apparently he hoards things?) and was going to do something with them, and ultimately chose not to, so he might as well give you a pair at this point lol
  3. Al, if you do contact Craig just be mindful that the cicada driver thing is a sore subject with him. When I spoke with Craig ages ago, he had mentioned he had a deal with NP, some kind of mutual agreement of purchase of said drivers, but NP had asked Craig the manufacturing source of the drivers (China) of which Craig had shared with him (before actual purchase agreement was settled). I believe at said supposed meeting, Craig was left empty handed as NP didn’t show up (I can confirm that when I asked NP for drivers they were brand new, he must have had some built through the original manufacturer). Craig isn’t a fan last time I checked
  4. I actually believe NP legit is the only source of those drivers. Ages ago I did ask him for a driver and he did sell one to me, but I’d have no idea if he still has them, if he sold them off to someone else, or if he is just hoarding them.
  5. It took me a sec to realize it’s a mom and her baby (and not some weird kink fetish thing)
  6. weird cover I know but the music is fire. Van Gelder stamp in runouts!
  7. Record show pick ups! the cures and portishead are originals! The 4 on bottom were $5 dollar bin specials
  8. They look cool! Would be curious as well. I do not have high hopes that they actually sound like a Joe Grado lol
  9. Agreed. I think the only true way to assess how a cart will perform in that regard (outside of listening) is to take an audio rip of it using a test record of sorts at the frequency you are trying to see how it performs, a solid measurement in that regard should be pretty revealing.
  10. Very long bump. Great album lol im pretty uninitiated into the captain beefheart thing so yeah this is pretty intense haha
  11. Steve, Thank you for sharing a little more of your story! I very much appreciate it. As for canjam chicago 2010, I’m glad you brought that up as that was the first time (and maybe only time?) I’ve met you in person and you were and are absolutely wonderful. You may recall I believe we had lunch at Giordano’s with my wife and I just think you are awesome. That is all
  12. That sound burger looks legit
  13. Yeah the bubble is gonna burst soon 🤦‍♂️ (which is fine because when it does I am buying all the good shit for bottom of market value lol)
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