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About gurubhai

  • Birthday 01/01/1981

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  • Headphones
    Yamaha HP-1(Aniso),Yamaha HP50,PMB500 float stats
  • Headphone Amps
    EHHA rev. A
  • Sources
    Adcom GDA-600(modded)

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  1. You misunderstand. I was merely pointing out one of the worst offense Mikhail committed. If you read the Nate's post on that Singlepower thread at HF you would see that he too focused on that as the major issue. I actually had a chuckle about how predictable some of you can be. I knew it was time for some personal attacks. If you really believe that I joined this forum four years back just so I could shill one day for Cavalli, then I truly feel sorry for you. Anyways, I can see that I have outrun my welcome here and would refrain from posting here any further.
  2. I have been around long enough to know about Mikhail, esp. since that reference is thrown around in almost every conversation around these parts. Mikhail used under-specced transformers to power his amplifiers which eventually and not unexpectedly failed at a later date, certainly it was not being used as hammond mfg. intended. The issues being discussed here are different as its obvious that Cavalli amp hasn't skimped on the parts, but the problem is more of a manufacturing process. I am still unconvinced that cold joints would last for that length of time working in those high voltage but in any case, I wouldn't be happy with the soldering skills on display either. If I were Mr.Cavalli and saw those pictures, I would switch to another production house but then may be he already has. I noticed that he has already released a second version of the LL a few months back while we are discussing the older version. Since John has already popped the question, I would probably wait for Dr. Cavalli's response to hear his side of story before making up my mind as to the veracity of these claims.
  3. I can understand where you are coming from, being an outside observer myself and not knowing any of the involved parties in real life. KG and Spritzer have been involved with designing and merchandising various electrostatic headphones amplifiers for years. A lot of experienced 'Head-fiers' on the other site and many here on HC consider them an authority on the subject of electrostats and trust them implicitly. It would be rather presumptious on our part to assume that all these people are too attached to KG/Spritzer to see the other side of the coin. However, I have to admit that this thread does smack a lot of a witch-hunt.The amplifier in question was performing its intended function for more than a year and survived a journey to iceland (inspite of the supposed poor build). To my admittely inexperienced eyes, the concerns raised in this thread donot appear to be particularly severe - yes, I dislike the visible rosin and unsleeved mains tabs but that won't cause the amp to be a safety hazard. I think the dull look of solder joint is because of it being lead-free, I doubt that actual cold joints would have lasted this long without causing problems at those high voltages. Lest I be trivializing the concerns raised, I'll defer to the more experienced DIYers here on this site.A lot of experienced DIY veterans still post on this forum (primarily the reason I have lurked here for long) and I would be interested in knowing there opinion regarding this matter. I am actually wondering why better informed members have avoided this thread as of now.
  4. Really? I thought that this thread was opened for the express purpose of letting us know what to believe (again).
  5. LOL! Haven't you heard of Gilmore Girls? Spritzer obviously knows of EC shills and even ECP now has that radio_head bloke so basically we have nothing to chose from!
  6. It seems that the audeze have increased the diaphragm 'tension' of the driver alleviating the need for external felt damping (the downside is ofc the decreased bass response). Would like to try one now.
  7. Happy Birthday !
  8. It would be interesting if someone were to transplant LCD drivers in a Lambda frame (I believe they both have rectangular drivers of similar size).
  9. "Potent" generally refers to the ability to fuck you over. I guess they are spot on in that regard.
  10. Happy Birthday!
  11. When I ran RMAA tests on my Xonar STX, the THD results were quite poor at 44.1/48k frequencies but were excellent at 96k. I am guessing that might be the issue here.
  12. Well, that depends on the ass using it.
  13. ^ that's what TP does, clear the shit.
  14. ^ What's the use of raw first impressions if they don't give a decent idea of the headphone & just create unnecessary hype. Unless that's exactly what he was aiming for in the first place.
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