I have been around long enough to know about Mikhail, esp. since that reference is thrown around in almost every conversation around these parts. Mikhail used under-specced transformers to power his amplifiers which eventually and not unexpectedly failed at a later date, certainly it was not being used as hammond mfg. intended. The issues being discussed here are different as its obvious that Cavalli amp hasn't skimped on the parts, but the problem is more of a manufacturing process. I am still unconvinced that cold joints would last for that length of time working in those high voltage but in any case, I wouldn't be happy with the soldering skills on display either.
If I were Mr.Cavalli and saw those pictures, I would switch to another production house but then may be he already has. I noticed that he has already released a second version of the LL a few months back while we are discussing the older version.
Since John has already popped the question, I would probably wait for Dr. Cavalli's response to hear his side of story before making up my mind as to the veracity of these claims.