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Everything posted by APureSound

  1. Oh also forgot to mention that the right side is marked on the XLR connector like so: Thanks, Alex
  2. I just wanted to come in and say I hope you enjoy the headphones. As for bending the cable. Feel free to bend it all you want. You are not going to break it (I am serious). The wire is constructed of a very large amount of strands per wire and the chance of breaking all of them is truly none unless you get a pair of wire cutters out. In any sort of normal use or even abuse you have a better chance of killing your headphones then causing any sort of damage to my cables. I have had a few incidence where customers either had a cat chew on the cable or them closing the cable in a car door and the cable continues to work perfectly so fear not. For anyone looking for more info on the V3 cable please look HERE. Thanks, Alex http://apuresound.com
  3. That still brings back weird feelings when I look at the inside. -Alex-
  4. Taking into account that I much more enjoyed listing to a pair of recabled HD580's means something to me. These Sony's truly are different. I took a pair apart from the metal housing and found there is an o-ring inside for a very tight seal. Once the driver was removed a bit the sound changed a lot so makes me wonder how they would sound as open or semi open phones. Overall they are very light. The stock cable is like dental floss and after a few hours my ears started to feel weird from those hooks. You do have to get them to sit a certain way and adjust them with both adjusters to get a nice fit. If they were cheaper I may be able to say get them for a bed rig or office rig, but at this price I can't. -Alex-
  5. Those pictures have been used before so it is 99.9999995% a scam.
  6. You don't want them.... (no seriously you don't!)
  7. Iron_Dreamer: Thank you!
  8. If someone can help me get the rest of my feedback I would be very grateful it is even possible. I am missing page 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. I am not even going to try and back up anything else, but if someone could figure out how to get those pages of feedback I would truly be greatly. Thanks, Alex
  9. Well there goes my 14 pages of feedback..... *hopes head-fi doesn't go back to 2006* I talked to Jude not long ago and I am truly fearing the worst... -Alex-
  10. I got a pair about a week ago for recable. I am say I am not impressed with these at all. I guess they just aren't for me. -Alex-
  11. Looks great! I hope you enjoy them. I am sad to hear they couldn't do the install on the R10's. -Alex-
  12. Looks great! I hope you are enjoying them.
  13. juzmister bought them used from eBay for $600 or 700. Something like that because of how bad the condition was. The were shipped to me to get them all fixed up and recabled. 003 bought them from juzmister about 4 months later and sold them after owning them for about 2 months to be able to fund these new Sony headphones. -Alex-
  14. I have a beyond super modded HD580 headphone cable and decided to share SOME of the mods on my site for free. I know some of these are already provided online on places such as head-fi, but I know for a fact the last part is not on head-fi or anywhere else. If I had missed something or made a mistake somewhere feel free to let me know. http://apuresound.com/hdsennmod.html Enjoy! -Alex-
  15. juzminster bought them off of eBay and had them shipped directly to me. When I opened the box I started to :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( when I saw what condition they were actually in. The pictures on eBay didn't even begin to explain how bad they really were. After about $600 (including recable) they were back to better then new. I don't even want to think about how bad they were though. juzminster ended up selling them to 003 who sold them for whatever reason. I do see where these Sony phones can sound pretty nice, but I am willing to put my money on the fact that they are no K1000 killer. 003 has already contacted me about getting them recabled so we will see where all of this leads to. -Alex-
  16. Elephas, I hope the install goes ok. I am sure everything will be fine, but if questions arise send me an email and I will get back to you asap. Just make sure they are careful taking the pads off! Thanks, Alex
  17. I might build a single ended and a balanced V3 HD580/600/650 cable as a "try before you buy" cable once all of this demand goes down a little. Thanks, Alex
  18. I do understand where you may be coming from. As I said before. Nylon multifilament can be put onto the V3 cable instead of techflex no problem at all. -Alex-
  19. Yea I know exactly what you mean. With the 2 layers of cotton insulation and Y split I use there is little to no microphonics at all with the V3 cable. I have tried nylon multifilament before many times and that is an option if someone wants it on the V3 instead of techflex. I do not limit options only to what I keep in stock. I do not see the point with the V3 to be honest though. Thanks, Alex
  20. It is a sleeving made by Techflex. It is available in clear, carbon, and black. Custom colors are available at an additional cost. Thanks, Alex
  21. The prices include installation for any full size headphone or will be terminated for the HD650's. The K1000 and Qualia 010 have their own section only because they either require a lot of work or just custom connectors in which I can not keep a large stock of. Thanks, Alex Good cause you know how I get...
  22. I hope you took no offense from yesterday. :'( :'( * Hey man it is time consuming making thousands of feet of cable by hand... Honestly with how funny it sounds that I have 1ft on there I have had someone order a cable that was under 2ft in length on a pair of Sony CD3000's which was used to hook up to a portable MP3 Player and place into a shirt pocket. With how crazy it sounded of the guy asking me to do it I didn't see why not. On serious note I don't really make the wire by hand it was custom designed by me and custom ordered from a manufacturer here in the US. Thanks, Alex http://apuresound.com
  23. New items added. Sale on all XLR cables. Go check it out! http://APureSound.com Thanks, Alex
  24. No Turbo (great guy) or ALO here. My stupid iPod docks are $4999.99. (j/k) I believe my work is reasonable prices for how much work is involved and what materials are used. As far as the CNC goes I actually am having all of the work done in house as I pretty much have finished my CNC machine. I too kept getting ridiculous prices to get item's CNCed so I decided to make my own. Once the CNC is done and everything is working perfectly I will also offer the service of doing small CNC jobs for the DIY and Audio community at much more reasonable prices. Thanks, Alex
  25. Expect a PM in a few minutes. -Alex-
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