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Everything posted by sschell

  1. Sure.
  2. Replaced some of the seals/o-rings/etc. with Dad. No pressurestat/thermostat means this thing generates some nasty pressure if you aren't careful. As in, a two foot jet of steam shooting out horizontally.
  3. Fulton Lights - Healing Waters
  4. I like mine a whole lot. It's relatively slim and very legible, which is the most important thing for me in a watch. I do wish the crown was a bit easier to grasp, though.
  5. I guess I should have been more specific. It's not the video game noises, but the sound created when he yells into the microphone of his headset that disturbs me. In desperation earlier this morning, I did access the router's configuration utility. Much to my surprise, there was a preset "rule" for blocking the ports Live uses. So for now, I plan on enabling it when I'm trying to sleep. If that doesn't last, perhaps I'll resort to some of the other suggestions.
  6. Is there any way I could block specific TCP/UDP ports without reconfiguring the main router? My younger brother's XBOX Live games disturbing my sleep are getting a little old. While this would be easy enough to do at the router level, my brother is smart enough (I assume) to troubleshoot via cycling the router's power, resetting any changes I might make. I suppose this could be viewed as a passive aggressive way of resolving the problem, but I think all of the interested parties would prefer it to the more destructive solutions I have in mind.
  7. Tortilla chips. No dip.
  8. sschell

    slow forum

    I feel a little guilty for enjoying those.
  9. A non-electronic cover of "Such Great Hights" would be cool. The above, however, is not a cool cover. I like the synchronized jumping around 2:35, though. That was at least somewhat amusing.
  10. I'd recommend wrist control as well.
  11. Toward the back of the ear, I think. At least, that's how I wear mine.
  12. x2. I was really hoping it would run OS X, instead of an extended iPhone/Touch OS. Then it would be more of a stand-alone computer, instead of another "net appliance".
  13. sschell

    slow forum

    It is.
  14. When quoting posts with large pictures embedded, the quote "speech bubble" only wraps out to the longest line, leaving the ends of the pictures sticking out (See the DFW meet impressions thread).
  15. Fulton Lights - The Way We Ride
  16. I imagine one of those goes down/up/in easier than the other. Plus, only one of them has real wood.
  17. 49 mm espresso tamper. To replace the awful one, now broken, included with the machine.
  18. Part of my desire in upgrading my deck (a TD-124, BTW) is to maintain a degree of "vintageness" in its appearance. Hence, part of my interest in the Schick arm and SPUs. The Moerchs definitely fit the looks category. A used UP4 would seem to fall within my price range, but I worry about the wobbliness of a unipivot.
  19. Very seldom, I believe. I've only seen 1-2 in the last 6 months or so. Someone on another site mentioned that people who buy one seem to hold onto it. Honestly, I've thought about saving up a little bit more and biting the bullet, but then I remember I still need to flesh out the rest of the analog setup. Any idea how expensive a replacement Moerch armwand is?
  20. $1475 About $200 up from the price in November, IIRC.
  21. Does anyone have any particular feelings towards 12" tonearms? My Grado arm has never been totally operational, so I'm looking to upgrade to something more modern. I've been eying the Thomas Schick arm (SPU comparability would be nice), but the value of the dollar:euro has made it less appealing. Under $1k would be nice. The newish Jelco arm and the Scheu Classic are the only ones I know of that fit the bill. 9" arm recommendations would be much appreciated, as well.
  22. Rahim - Laughter Much less frantic and raw (which I dug) than their previous works. Good, but different.
  23. Not the exact unit, but very similar. There will be several shots of espresso made tomorrow, I expect.
  24. Frightened Rabbit - The Midnight Organ Fight
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