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Everything posted by sschell

  1. Some progress on the 124: The strobe now lights up. The motor also runs but, unfortunately, continues to do so regardless of what position the speed select switch is in.
  2. Geez, it's been a month already... I wish I could offer some commentary, but the only progress I've made is purchasing a couple of parts. If anything, if you're at all interested in getting a Schick I would recommend you place an order now, as the waiting period for me was about 2 months. From the few times I've seen them up on Audiogon, depreciation doesn't seem to be an issue if you decide it isn't for you. The Shilabe sounds like quite the cart from your (and a couple of Stereophile reviews) description.
  3. I was hoping someone would catch that.
  4. Should have bought it on vinyl, but I can't stomach $24 plus shipping from Sweden.
  5. Nice! I bought one for my Dad as an early birthday present. It is leaps and bounds better than the ancient Saeco he had been using, both usability and grind-wise.
  6. The Schick arrived yesterday, so I felt obligated to try and resolve the issue I've been having with the 124's strobe light. De-soldered all the wiring and started to solder them again, when I managed to snip off the lead to the shunt resistor connected inline with the strobe . Starting to think I am in over my head.
  7. Double shot of espresso, now eggnog latte. Probably will make another one. Coffee compliments of Qualia Coffee.
  8. 3.5 pounds of coffee from CA. I expect to be thoroughly buzzed this coming weekend.
  9. Because no one wants Borg-designed headphones.
  10. From here.
  11. At the moment, a DL-103 - mostly because it's fairly inexpensive as MCs go and the fact that the Schick is purposely designed for heavy, low compliance carts.
  12. No, I know of/became interested in the Schick by reputation alone. Also, it's one of the few current-production arms I think matches well aesthetically with the TD-124. What turntable/related equipment did you hear the Schick with, if you don't mind me asking.
  13. 8-10 weeks to go. Expect a plinth building Q (from me) & A (hopefully from you) thread in the coming weeks.
  14. I'm hardly a DIY expert, but the flux paste I got at Radio Shack made desoldering a much easier process.
  15. Went to work. Now, cleaning and oiling my boots and Birkenstocks. Also, just noticed a Schick tonearm listed and sold today on Audiogon. Disappointed I missed it, but at least I know now that the black finish is definitely for me.
  16. Sounds about right. If only I could describe the debt collection calls I've getting (for the previous owner of my cell number) as such.
  17. That explains all the weird phone calls I've been getting... Anyways, went to the MD Wine Festival with the family. 15 months 'till I can have my own glass, but the sips slipped to me were tolerable. Would rather have had beer, personally.
  18. Non-removable insoles are a bit of a letdown
  19. For straight coffee, I'm partial to Central American coffees (I've had some really excellent single origin Guatemalan). Had pure Kona once and agree it is very mild (not in a way I enjoyed, but I can see how it might be appealing to people getting their feet wet). An Aeropress might be a good place to start preparation wise (single cup brewing, ability to alter coffee-water ratio).
  20. I don't have the best reception, but with the Scott's sub-channel filter engaged it's very listenable.
  21. Put out some more job applications.
  22. I should note that I bought my 007t (and O2s) used on eBay, I'm assuming from Yama's (seller was from the same town in CA). So my tube compliment may have differed from what was originally shipped from Stax.
  23. Chalk it up to user error. The new (and old) tubes are fine. I accidentally plugged my iPod into the Tape input, instead of the regular input. My dad hit the input switch and just about blew out my eardrums. All is well.
  24. I guess that really depends on what you define as "right". I was able to bias the tubes' filaments dead on 0 for TVR 3 and 4 on both channels. TVR 1 and 2 are probably within 1.5V of 0, but I wasn't able to get them to settle. I had about the same result with the 8GC7s, which I settled on as "good enough", so I figure the same would be true of the 6 volt version.
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