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Everything posted by CherryBomb

  1. Good news. . . This time I didn't get ripped off. I recently purchased an Omega 2 Mk1, sr727 and stand from kuboten. The items arrived today, and I think I will soon have most of my dynamic system for sale. Also purchased a Parasound D/AC 2000 from Scott. Jamming out to some Dire Straits as I type. My headphone journey ends here.
  2. Happy birthday Smegg-O.
  3. Pop-up blocker I guess.
  4. ctrl --> + ctrl --> + ctrl --> + ctrl --> + and still not big enough. Good effort, though.
  5. An exstata board and PS, and a pair of Omegas to match it. Boo yah!
  6. Stax srm-1& stax For Sale | AudiogoN Should be nice with my jazz recordings. Here's hoping this guy doesn't rob me like the last guy did.
  7. Conan emerges: Conan O’Brien on Twitter: Former ‘Tonight Show’ host joins Ozzie Guillen, Dalai Lama among celebrities joining Twitter this week - chicagotribune.com
  8. Sell them to me.
  9. The K501 are being amped off of either my EHHA when at home, or the 1/8 socket of my pico DAC when at work. The only negative to them is that the previous ower was a smoker, so thet smell like shit. Stinking up the house, and making me a little sleepless tonight. But the sound can't be beat for $100. I never did get a high-end SS amp since I decide to go Stat. Right now I'm working on getting an eXStata put together to power my current Koss 950, and the Omega MK1s that, in theory, I will one day find. Here's hoping.
  10. K501. Sound damn nice listening to the Miles Davis Box Set the wife got me. Complete Miles Davis: Miles Davis: Amazon.co.uk: Music Mine has no glue issues, which is good. She said she sent the first one back for that reason.
  11. Now I'm seeing over at the other thread that the 950 may be 300V bias, and have elevated squealing issues out of the KGSS: http://www.head-case.org/forums/headphones/3823-koss-esp-950-electrostat-thread-21.html#post328741 Still, the point of this is to build my system around the Omegas of my future, and not the 950. I'm going to shop around for a used KGSS, and if I can find nothing, just buy new. Thanks for the comments.
  12. I've been registerd there for a while, but have not purchased anything yet. I get that it's like eBay, but I don't actually understand many of the product descriptions or the GUI in general. I assume that once I "get it" I will look back on this post and be embarrassed, but for now, I don't "get it." What makes it even more bizzare is that it has the google translate bar on top, but it doesn't seem to be very useful at all. I suppose it would help to know how much better the 717 is versus the KGSS. Since the KGSS comes with a pretty decent warranty, I lean that way all other things being equal. Is this a rookie mistake?
  13. Okay. I'll give it a whirl. Thanks.
  14. I'm novice at KuboTEN; how do I talk to Craig? If anyone wants to PM me and tell me how that site works, that'd be great. I've been eye-balling Stax gear that site but can't make heads or tails about how to use it.
  15. Almost impossible to find; I'm thinking KGGS.
  16. Geeze - why can't anything ever be easy? I'm not competent to replace caps. I was going to start looking for one, but now think I'd be better off getting something that can also drive the Omegas I will be getting someday.
  17. Even if that is true, and it seems likely that it is, I still get to hear some of the potential of the 950 w/out shelling out another $1000 on an amp. It's a nice solution in the interim. BTW, it does sound better out of my EHHA, as opposed to the MPX3... less coloration, but adequate bass impact. The sound is similar to HE5, but not quite as detailed.
  18. Currently I am using my MPX3 as a pre-amp for the E90 using a 1/4 to RCA adapter. I'm not sure if this is a proper way to use the MPX3, or if it will damage the E90, but it does open up the sound of the 950s quite a bit. Certainly better than stock, which was underwhelming.
  19. I've got to figure out how to use that crazy website. There must be something I'm missing, because it seems nonsensical to me.
  20. Pefect for the hard-to-get-up morning.
  21. Gave wife ear rings. Was a little happy when I saw that this oil executive died http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/02/14/alaska.avalanche.deaths/index.html?hpt=T1 Considered briefly whether this made me a bad person. Went back to bed and watched Fragglerock.
  22. I'm telling you. . . Those sinus rinse bottles are the best thing in the world for sinus infections. I recommend using it in the shower - otherwise, I cannot be responsible for what happens.
  23. That's what a good dad does.
  24. Went to the Asian grocery store with the wife. Mmmm. . . mung bean drink is good in a weird sort of way. Then to Wal*Mart, where I overheard I woman say "This bread is patriotic. If you don't love American, then leave it."
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