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Gabe Logan

High Rollers
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About Gabe Logan

  • Birthday 05/02/1977

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  • Biography
    I'm a guy trying to get through life alive.
  • Location
  • Interests
    My 70 Chevelle,Music & all around geek
  • Occupation
    Machine Operator
  • Hobbies
    Thought i explained that
  • Headphones
    Grado PS-1 & HF-1
  • Headphone Amps
    I'm Ampless
  • Sources
    Aragon D2A
  • Other Audio Gear
    Grado UW Cables

Gabe Logan's Achievements

Limited Edition Bronze Participant

Limited Edition Bronze Participant (4/6)



  1. I have been tempted to try out the very same dac but they get snatched up on Audiogon so quick and they are always well over $1k.I hear good things about it though.
  2. Speaking of "nicking" if a PS1 ever gets a ding in it Grado will not replace it with a newer one as they are all out of those parts.Don't ask me how i know.
  3. Any of that grain present and about how many hours has it gone through?
  4. Oh man.There are a couple things i would get form them if i was not so broke.
  5. Happy Birthday Mr. Mod man sir
  6. It's the same guy selling them on craigslist and has a couple pair of HP-2's as well.I would pick them up if i had the cash. http://sfbay.craigslist.org/eby/ele/874738702.html
  7. Sign me up for the Buffalo when you decide to do this again.
  8. I owned one for quite some time and i preferred it over my MPX3 SE but there was something about that PPX3 with 5687's which was just go great with grados.Out of all the amps i have let go that is the only one i regret selling.On the bad side the amp would get very hot so an upgraded xformer is a must upgrade.
  9. If you are referring to the driver versions they are HP-1000 Ya it is not the amp i would like to get but it is a temp until i find a PPX3 SLAM.
  10. Bought this week is a Grado SR-200 & Little Dot I+. This hobby is getting out of hand.
  11. I used to have one of those.
  12. Just wish it was online too
  13. ^ You mind saying how you liked it compared to the D1 or you still waiting for more burn in time?
  14. Why is it that when cans like these go on ebay it is always a guy with single digit feedback?
  15. Game is top notch.Very few might be considered better.
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