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Everything posted by xand1x

  1. Will pour a scotch before bed out of respect. His life story appears to be that of an honorable man you could be proud to call your father. My best wishes go out to you and your family in this rough time.
  2. Is this some kind of sick joke?
  3. All the best GE, hope you have a good one!
  4. That is a pretty epic avatar
  5. If the PS1000 are PS-1 duplicates that REALLY sucks for the people who recently purchased them off eBay for a small fortune.
  6. It's finally paying off to be a Western Digital storage snob!
  7. That really sucks Dan..sorry to hear that things aren't going smoothly with Mikhail. I would probably act in the same way and refuse to send any sort of money until tracking was provided or upon acceptance of the amp. You should try and get him on the phone if possible and say that you will pay him when the amp arrives so that you aren't out $1000+..i'm not sure how he could expect you to pay everything before you get anything given his track record. What baffles me even more is that he knows that you're not out to scam him out of any money so I don't see why shipping the amp, without the full balanced paid, would be an issue.
  8. 2008 Sold Stello DA-220 Sold Eastern Electric Minimax Preamp + Tubes Bought Slim Devices Transporter as a one box solution Bought HD650 Sold HD650 Sold Slim Devices Transpoter Bought Spectral SDR-2000 DAC and got scammed $1000 in the process Sold Spectral SDR-2000 DAC at loss Want to Rebuy HD650 from Dan =) 2009 In the process of picking up Slim Devices Transporter, Squeezebox 3, and Squeezebox Controller at a massive discount thanks to a friend & will retire with that Hopefully i'll get to rebuy dan's HD650! That is top of the list right now haha
  9. How is that 840 sea btw?
  10. You may be interested in a Parasound DAC-2000! A bit pricey but you be the judge http://www.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?dgtlconv&1234165668&/Parasound-Dac-2000-Ultra-
  11. Wow. What a classy piece of equipment; so simple yet so elegant. Great job on another B22 Nate..just let me know where to sign for the balanced counterpart Cheers
  12. I heard it came out a few days ago. Haven't read any impressions but hopefully it sounds good. I was a huge fan of the UM2
  13. Well we already had our thanksgiving in Canada but what the hay...can always celebrate another!! Happy Thanksgiving everyone
  14. Have a good one Jay! Cheers
  15. No problem. Let us know which one you decided to get and how it sounds when it arrives!
  16. Hmm I apologize for not lookin at this thread earlier. Is this what you are looking for? If so I have a pair lying around that you can have for pretty much the cost of shipping.
  17. Happy Birthday!! All the best!!
  18. I've always had good results using Tagan power supplies. Have a look! Tagan - Home
  19. Soon to be x3 =)
  20. Very nice Congrats on the purchase!! It looks really well built
  21. Dang, I really wish I could be there guys..have a great time. I'll be at the cottage for the weekend but hopefully will be back in time for great meet impressions! All the best!
  22. I'd honestly try to take this up in PM instead of polluting the forum..request for a delete mods?
  23. A friend of mine used to own this DAC..i've heard it on many occasions
  24. Nothing less than 6 ply
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