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High Rollers
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Everything posted by xand1x

  1. Save your money for future 'discounted' purchases
  2. Great review..can't wait for Part 2 This might have to be a sticky!
  3. I haven't come across an ale that can dethrone a good single malt whisky, but maybe i'm not drinking the right stuff..any suggestions?
  4. http://www.ubergizmo.com/zoom.php?dir=2008/1/logitech-squeezebox-duet/ Real life pictures
  5. New Squeezebox Duet.. http://www.slimdevices.com/pi_duet.html The remote does look pretty cool What do you think guys?
  6. Greetings Head-casers, I was just wondering if anyone here had sold or posted any of their gear using Audiogon auctions. I'm in a bit of a situation because I need to sell my preamp as fast as possible in order to fund some textbook purchases for school. I have a standard listing up at Audiogon, but was considering taking it down for an auction to speed up the sale. What do you guys think?
  7. I'm not too sure how the Lavry DA10 compares to the Stello DA220, but just to chime in I thought the Transporter was a better overall performer than the DA220.
  8. I feel like doing that to people who don't own or don't want to own a Cambridge Audio 840c..just waiting for my backup MOT to chime in with a comment
  9. Dude mjg, he's just busting your balls..not difficult to see that from my perspective at least. I wouldn't take it so serious..especially around this place
  10. Beta Deuce Deuce?
  11. Happy Birthday All the best
  13. Yup. Where have you been these days?
  14. HAY GUISE, I'M GETTIN' DRUNK TONIGHT!!! Any suggestions RE: a nice whiskey?
  16. I thought you were allergic to them
  17. I'll contact Spider-man then
  18. Not really, but i'm sure this would suffice (when resized).
  19. Reks can we have an oatmeal raisin cookie smiley?
  20. Friendly Neighborhood Spiderman = Back in Action
  21. Well when you mash the gas on the Veyron it takes 12 mins to run out of fuel, and you'll need a new set of tires..so that explains some of it
  22. Alright, i'll get back to you when they start producing hybrid sports cars
  23. New Porsche GT1 supposed to "kill" the Veyron by 2MPH..too bad it doesn't look as good http://www.germancarzone.com/carrera-gt/6181-forthcoming-2009-porsche-gt1-pics-disscusion.html What do you guys think??
  24. 1. K1000 (Currently Own) 2. K340 (Used to Own) 3. K701 (Used to Own) 4. HD280 Pro (Used to Own)
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