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Everything posted by 909

  1. 909

    Avatar Question

    From Dole to Ono... Need to see the optometrist, if you can find one? I never cared for Yoko in the least bit. In fact, hate would be a better word. I've erased her existence from my memory of John.
  2. 909

    Avatar Question

    you serious? You really don't know who that is?
  3. 909

    Avatar Question

    no because you are a tease... But a nice picture nonetheless
  4. I believe every website has an informational background page that the creator(s) and/or owner(s) fill out. Usually, it has some contact information like a brick and mortar address and telephone number among other things. Anyone can find this information online about nearly any website. It?s like the webs yellow-pages. This publicly accessible Head-Fi contact information got posted on Head-Fi. It included Jude's full name, an address, and telephone number all of which most likely were provided by Jude at some point. Additionally, this info led to another website that lists a work number for Jude too.
  5. Probably because the information you posted is publicly accessible by anyone with time, a working computer, and an internet connection.
  6. Bizarre is something out of the ordinary or unusual... When I saw your thread, I knew it was only a matter of time before the powers that be vaporized it. That wasn't bizarre that was within the normal course of business. I didn?t expect anything else. I would have done the same thing. I can't imagine how it would feel to have my telephone number released on Head-Fi (even work) and the potential of receiving hundreds of telephone calls from Head-Fiers all around the world. Hello, is Jude there? Then probably after you couldn't take another call you would change your number.
  7. Your thread no longer exists on Head-Fi. It is gone.
  8. I seriously doubt you or anyone for that matter will get ban. I am just joking around.
  9. the would delete thread and ban.
  10. Are these covered? European Hippie Bush Gardens with seashells and other nasty shit Hefner?s select manicured prim trim
  11. isn't this like an oxymoron of sorts? You are missing the telly savalas tasters choice.
  12. speaking of cookies and ass "So you can take that cookie and stick it up your, yeah!"
  13. I know a dealer that might offer you a very nice deal on the Saturn. PM if your interested in his contact details.
  14. I guess it also gives the thread title a bit of an alternate meaning too because of that similar ?spanking? terminology.
  15. I knew you were just busting his chops, but I couldn't resist making a little funny too.
  16. i don't even want to know how you know that....
  17. 909

    yo momma jokes

    Yo mamma is so ugly that when she gave birth the doctor slapped her silly and said ugly bitch why you go and do that - haven?t you made enough suffer already? Yo mamma is so stupid when people ask, ?what?s your name? she says ?what did you say? to stall for time? Yo mamma is so fat she uses three scales one for her left foot and the other for her right foot and the other for her sagging ass and totals to three to get a ballpark figure.
  18. 909

    GS-1000's Arrived

    The bass seems to be easing in or claiming down, but I also think I am listening at lower levels. I also find that my ears are more sensitive to something about the sound so far as compared to my HD650s.
  19. 909


    indeed The legions are growing The revolution is near
  20. 909

    GS-1000's Arrived

    Congrats on your new cans Why you? I ought?. Since you read that thread I?ll say I found your statement ever so slightly entertaining, but don?t push it. Seriously, it?s just a little joke. When I heard the GS-1000s at the HE2006 on two different set-ups I liked them a lot to say the least. So I am a bit shocked that the GS-1000s out of my EC2A3 tube amp, interconnects Neutral Reference, and Apollo the bass is so over powering. So much bass, in fact, I am drowning in it. I hope it gets better (less bass please). Yet I must admit the GS-1000s sound much better (more balanced less bass but still more than sufficient) directly out of my Sony D-555 Discman. I think my main rig has a lot of low end, which the HD650s are able to balance out and provide better detail whereas the GS1000 (at this early stage) are just soupy heavy bass with hard to hear mids and an expansive soundstage. Cosmetically speaking these are probably the nicest wooden earcups and leather headband, and cable job I?ve seen out of the two RS-1s and Tyll?s GS-1000s. They arrived yesterday and have almost at 24 hours. Please get better, less bass and more balance in between the ranges.
  21. 909


    it's the end of the world.... Welcome to bizarro Head-Fi (rebranded Head-Case)
  22. If the battery proto goes forward this is what Craig told me too. Craig will be at the HE show today and one of his designs will be used in the Belkin room/booth, which is his iPod amp with a neat little full range speaker that might be released. I plan to the Vacuum Tube Valley Audio Expo show. I know that they have a few systems and quite a few tubes for sale and vendors on site. Thereafter, I'll meet up with Craig and then go to the Stereophile Analog Clinic with Mike Fremer.
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