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High Rollers
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Everything posted by 909

  1. dr. al cohol concoctio
  2. happy b-day
  3. awesome and congrats, John! i am glad you finally scored those speakers. your system looks fantastic.
  4. bugsey, the wife and i are all thinking positive for Ollie's full and speedy recovery.
  5. thank you. it's not only visually stunning, but also looks like it provides good organization for your stuff.
  6. ditto!
  7. black butte xxi
  8. congrats, such a beautiful bag. please post a shot of the insides.
  9. green smoothie (chard, apple and ginger)
  10. sharing a bottle of Dieu Du Ciel Solstice D'hiver with my wife.
  11. arrowhead spring water... ran out of mountain valley spring water yesterday, my 50 gallon delivery is scheduled for tomorrow morning.
  12. vinyl it's been far too long since i last listened to my system.
  13. mountain valley spring water (aka bear piss )
  14. leftover buffalo loaf and a big salad.
  15. one hard boiled egg and one tbsp of fresh avocado
  16. cool, it does look to be a good flick.
  17. green smoothie (kale, apple, kiwi and ginger)
  18. just purchased movie tickets to see Hanna at the arclight.
  19. ginseng tea
  20. organic buffalo meatloaf made in line with paleo and zone principles. and some slow roasted, and all organic, cauliflower, japanese potato, and brussel sprouts.
  21. you guys are so waggish it's absolutely "Mind-Bottling".
  22. possibly, but this water is bear piss free. http://www.mountainvalleyspring.com/bottled-water-quality.aspx http://www.mountainvalleyspring.com/mineral-water-quality.aspx
  23. mountain valley spring water
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