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High Rollers
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Everything posted by 909

  1. Are you bitter you didn't get a Zana? Still lusting. So what's in the pipeline (is Mikhail building it?) any details you wish to reveal?
  2. No offense but I think that's a different standard than worse amp you've heard. That's more to do with the cost to performance ratio.
  3. I think they are seriously biased against Ray. I am certainly not a big fan, but I don?t think his amps could be considered the worst I?ve heard. And I liked the Gilmore Lite. I don?t like the cute amp and the little dot II amp those are pretty bad.
  4. Yeah, you are selling them to me... Didn't you get the memo
  5. About a grand below retail... $1570 delivered. Second best price I found was $230 more.
  6. Good News: Ordered the Saturn Bad News: Two to three week wait. I just couldn't pass up the awesome price.
  7. 3rd grade stuff... Why do you orally masticate in public? A sphincter says what?
  8. Stereo Times Saturn Review (9/06) http://www.stereotimes.com/CD091806PS.shtml
  9. billy I didn't know that you like playing with other peoples words was it good for you
  10. If I could have voted twice for this one I would have... but it's the only one I voted for... Aerius needs to grow up just a bit (that's an understatement) I am getting out of this thread before I get some sort of disease. some nasty ass shit polling (that just sounds so wrong)
  11. I look forward to hearing your balanced HD650s and the Dynamite. Curious to hear how much better it can sound because I was floored by how good it sounded single-ended.
  12. a 1M string connected to empty soup cans on either end
  13. Wow... Those parts look beautiful and that wood is just gorgeous looking.
  14. You asked.... Possibly they were sent in an email to another Head-Fier as an attachment or you, but somehow you got a hold of them. there's no way to tell how old those pics are.... Take a pic w/ your mug and the head-case site in the background. Send me a pm on Head-Fi (which you haven't done and your intentional avoidance only serves to reinforce our suspicions that you are not tuberoller, but boobroller )
  15. I never said that isn't tuberoller in the pics. Anyone can post a pic of tuberoller.
  16. "NO U AINT" Nice personalized license plate....
  17. You seem to know so much about guns
  18. Do you have another example? Is it too big in your opinion to be considered a handgun? It's currently being made by Smith & Wesson so I assume that constitutes that it's in production I don't claim to be a gun expert
  19. SO MUCH WORK..... TO POST PICS.... But no PM from you on Head-Fi. If you can't do that you ain't tuberoller...
  20. ? Most Powerful Production Revolver in the World Today o Massive 500 S&W Magnum? Cartridge - 2600 ft/lb. Muzzle Energy o A Hunting Handgun For Any Game Animal Walking ? For ultimate power and velocity there's nothing even close to an X-Frame model handgun.
  21. If you are actually who you say you are. It should be no thing to send a Head-Fi PM. If you can't do a simple task like sending a PM from your Head-Fi account then you're just an impostor.
  22. Easy way to prove you are Tuberoller Send me a PM on Head-Fi My Head-Fi username is the same as here...
  23. You nailed it regardless of my poorly stated question. What time and channel?
  24. I used to watch G Island as a Kid, but I am clueless about the other.... what gives?
  25. Cool deal... MFSL is serious stuff
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