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Everything posted by 909

  1. That?s mean, but I did get a good laugh out of it? I suppose the bourbon helped.
  2. That sucks. At least nothing expensive is broken... Right? (edit: dented speaker cabinet oh no)--have you checked everything--are you sure it wasn't someone else? Why in the world would they move your speakers? That just doesn't make sense. I wonder what reason or explaination they'll give you. Listening/borrowing CDs understandable, but they should have handled them with care. You might want to consider locking your door next time.
  3. Congrat! The Final Countdown? Hopefully you?ll have recovered from the tryptophan by then too.
  4. Heard from the dealer today.... My Saturn is in transit to his store and it will be shipped to me the same day he receives it. Anyone want an Apollo?
  5. Another Moth on Audiogon (2A3)... http://cls.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/cls.pl?intatube&1169173075 link to a review http://www.soundstage.com/revequip/steve05.htm
  6. Because that's what has been conveyed. I am not familiar with Kevin Carter. And it seems unquestionable that the modifications did change or ruin (depending on your viewpoint) the original sound. I didn't mean it was now better or worse or that someone wouldn't buy it for his asking price.
  7. The Word! Moth priced it at $4500.00. Craig estimates the street value at $3500.00 without tubes. The seller allegedly hired someone to upgrade the amp, but possibly did more to ruin the original sound than anything else.
  8. test to see if it works Success
  9. thanks. will do right now.
  10. this thread is worthless without pics... Thanks for doing the maintenance. It's appreciated. I've got a question. After I post something new in a thread I am bumped out of the thread. Is it possible to post and stay in the thread?
  11. I think that?s the same guy that sold the moth nitelight. That chassis is very similar or exactly the same as the Xana chassis. IIRC, Craig said that the Xana sold for around $10K. I don?t have any clue about this custom job. http://www.eddiecurrent.com/mothaudio/xanahi.html
  12. 909


    You are not alone. I couldn't get a good seal with them either. I forgot to mention that fact. I suppose that would be one of the main deal breakers for me.
  13. 909


    I need to listen to Ray's R10s, if he'll let me... \ The PS-1 and the Omega 2 are both great headphones. Though, I am not a huge Grado fan the PS-1s are among my Grado favors. As long as you?ve found what suits your tastes that?s the only important thing. I got scared when I received the L3000s. I really liked them at the meet, but when I got them in my house it took about a day to get used to them for whatever reason. I know some people don?t like the L3000s and that?s normal because different listeners have different preferences. I always wonder about the set-up when some has a lack luster experience. And based on my time with the L3000s I suspect some are listening way too loud since I?ve never kept the volume so low before. In fact, it?s still pretty loud too (probably most might not think so under meet conditions).
  14. 909


    Well the R10 I heard wasn't bass heavy at all. Sony made some that had more low-end bass. You want serious bass with not only quantity, but quality consider the L3000s. I don't think I've heard better in a similar type headphone.
  15. 909


    First time I heard the W5000 I didn't really like them. But on a second listen I completely changed my mind about them. The A900 were my first full-size can too.
  16. Ban every Head-Case member \
  17. 909


    Are they brand new? Nothing like getting something fresh out of the box and being the first to use it and break it in. I really like the beautiful wood cups and the hard shell carrying case. I wish the L3000s came with such a case for mobile transport. Well you can?t have it all. Enjoy the W5000
  18. I concur with your post. I am not advocating a particular position. Based on my experience I take everything I read about audio with a big grain of salt. And afterwards think, I need to hear it. If I?ve heard two things separately (which was the case here) I can surmise how they might sound together knowing my ear and system. If I don?t like the way something new in my system sounds I can surmise as to what might be the cause or make it better before kicking it to the curb or bagging on it. Seriously, I can?t think of more than this one time where I made such a suggestion based on hearing two things separately and provided clear language I had not heard the combo together. I don?t think guesswork is the right term from the one conveying an impression. Nor is it the term I would use for the review reader. Just that the reader should realize many factors influence the impression. And this hobby isn't an exact science. In general, I don?t believe the readers are idiots, but possibly don?t have enough experience to know one way or another. If you believe they are idiots, there's nothing that can be done for those individuals.
  19. I didn't say anything of the sort... Take from it what you like. ServingInEquidor--WTF Harming people (mildly amusing)... The Protector? Seems like a bit of neurotic nitpicking. One Post not posts. I clearly indicated the situation, but for you wouldn?t know. I could reason as to why, but it?s meaningless. Harp away... Don?t you have bigger fish to fry? Protector of those that might be harmed by meaningless audio dribbles. Shouldn?t you be off to save the audio world? (Silly stuff so don?t take it the wrong way.)
  20. Posted impressions are conjecture to a reader since different music, cables, sources, ears, amps, headphones, prejudices, listening environment, experience, and procedures all play a role. As does the readers' ability to interpret and digest information. Such opinions from a readers standpoint are (pretty) meaningless. If I didn?t say I didn?t hear it, none the wiser to harp on one isolated post.
  21. That?s assuming I only meant posts. I've seen peer influence at meets and salesmanship attempted to influence the listeners? impressions. With people saying doesn?t this or that sound this or that way before, while, or after listening or a combo of seed planting. I thought you were dishing out some sarcasm, which keeps in step with disagreeable.
  22. Already know to a certain degree based on what others have said about it how it will sound too--that possibly could be the case. If you let others know how you are arriving at your impression or opinion that?s fine?no harm no foul. In general and probably too much so, people are easily influenced by what others say and do. Nothing like trying to have an open mind about something without any external influences clouding one?s judgment, which is probably a next to impossible task. I think the best way to compare stuff is to A/B similar things while keeping everything else in the chain unchanged, but that isn't always possible.
  23. You can report any post to the Head-Fi staff, but that doesn?t mean anything will happen. It would be such a difficult thing to determine and additional work and head-ache to moderate.
  24. Do you read my comment above and the one you linked or you conditioning out relevant parts??? Big deal you found an exception. WOW. Which I already copped to... I?ve owned the Raptor. I?ve owned the GS-1000s. Before commenting that ?this mating might be a great match.? I heard the GS-1000s out of a few solid-state amps and my tube amp and preferred the solid-state pairing.
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