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Everything posted by 909

  1. yeah my two short tips to the big house didn't include the audio room. what did you give-up to get such special treatment or in the special audiophile prision?
  2. where do you find this shit? do you have one or like providing silly links?
  3. sounds like you're interested too billy (nasty) leave the little girls to the little boys cause there aren't any nice headphone rigs in prision.
  4. wow That's a lot of coins for a headphone amp. Does it do anything else?
  5. SP SS price point? curious what we are talking about... even a guess.
  6. I know it was a buffet (just messing around).
  7. How did we get from this SP tiny topic to those condemning granodemostasa on HF? Anything off topic should be cut off into a new thread. granodemostasa don't sweat it. you've done everything within your power to appease them. More and more they're sounding like whiny pansies. You stepped on a few toes and, even though, you've said you're sorry a while ago they still persist to spill your blood and rub your face in it. Even when they double face say "move on" they still knock you preceding. I would stop commenting on the manner, if I were you, but I am not. They probably don't realize, but they are acting like snobby-bullies. Stop responding on this particular topic and they'll have nothing "new" to use against you and the sport of it will die. But what I really want to know is that must have been one damn good fucking hotdog.
  8. Just today I read a post about the Lunch Box over on that other site supposedly Craig is coming out with the lunch box II... only available in black and I believe it can drive both low and high impedance headphones whereas the LB I is specifically for high.
  9. Thanks, I didn't know. Something like today is the last day to buy six and get one free
  10. yes, see reply #8
  11. I thought he finished his work on the new modules.
  12. Yup, horror movies.
  13. I've not seen those movies either.
  14. > > Fuck you, stay in character or die playing your sick twisted little bitchy game by the rules, mother fucker! OK--hell just froze over... You're correct the dynahi isn't in current production. It's either a DIY or find one used. I believe the GS-1 is somewhat similar to the dynalo. IMO, having heard both the GS-1 and dynahi they don't sound the same. Additionally it comes down to personal preference as to which you might like and system synergy plays a factor too. Yet to my ear (and not hearing them back-to-back) the dynahi had a bit more dynamics and tube like warmth.
  15. I am interested to hear the replies... I've been thinking about purchasing one or two of those CDs. You can also buy the Lennon MFSL CDs direct and I think it's the same price as eBay. Also elusive disc has them as well (same price) and offers free shipping w/ your first order. They carry XRCDs too.
  16. Here's my single-ended short SS list: dynahi & EC/SS I've not heard the new EC/SS, but really liked the previous one each time using a different opamp. If I can only pick one it would be the dynahi.
  17. like this veiled threat little drama (particular posts 24, 26, and 33) head-case still ban-free
  18. Albeit, yet no one has been banned from Head-Case to date. As far as I can tell those that were chastised away didn't post prohibited content and/or language, but some, if not most, found their posting practices and online persona to be unworthy of respect or even trustworthy to put it lightly. At least that
  19. So posting NSFW links is permissible here, but not the image? (particular reply #7) Has Head-Case ban anyone or seriously threaten to ban anyone yet?
  20. ditto (I was thinking the same thing)
  21. another you might have not seen
  22. Another Review The Saturn is still knocking my socks off.
  23. 909

    Uh oh.

    I don't know what it takes or costs to run it, but it does have problems. And Head-Fest-2 is right around the corner.
  24. 909

    The Live Music Thread

    50 cent @ the house of blues on the sunset strip. This was like two months after he released "Get Rich Or Die Tryin." He basically covered the whole album. We were able to stand right up front too. It was a pretty good show and we didn't get shot either. But some shooting happened after the show on the following night...
  25. 909

    Best post ever

    Overrated. It sucks going into a thread with certain above normal expectations and for whatever reason it not delivering. Like the the number, though.
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