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Everything posted by 909

  1. I've never heard the CD3000s. At the time when they were still available for retail purchase I thought about buying them, but opted for the cheaper A900s, which I eventually sold. Still I would like to hear them.
  2. why? you've got a pair. and even if you need another cost averaging. but before you opened the floodgates you should have bought at least a back-up pair.
  3. SR225 A900 E4
  4. 909

    slow forum

    is this a cat fight
  5. Shurado is the 300th head-case member. It's a small milestone.
  6. You guys are all lovey-dovey; welcome to head-case kiss-kiss/hug-hug... while we love lulling new members into a false sense of head-case comfort and security realize one misstep and snap (no one has died as far as I know yet ) just some superficial virtual bruised egos (usually all in the rough and tumble school yard good fun) So it doesn't hurt to have thick skin.
  7. 909


    Guillotine wouldn't say a word or show emotion--wouldn't give the mother fucker the satisfaction.
  8. What do you really want? It must have been a good price since it hasn't even been a day and already sale pending. leet ( )
  9. 909

    Spiderman 3

    My wife and I just got home from seeing this flick. Unfortunately, we wasted out time and money on this piece of crap rip-off of a spider-man sequel. The first two were pretty decent, but this sucked shit. I heard it was bad, but it went way beyond anything I envisioned. It's like they were just out to make money because they knew people would shell out their cash to see it. Wait for the DVD!
  10. I've heard both, but greatly prefer the EC-SS. And the EC-01 isn't ideally suited to drive low impedance headphones. But the EC-SS drives the RS-1 among the best I've heard. It's really a quite impressive combo. The EC-01 with the HD650s is fun, yet rounded and a little bit muddled. The EC-SS extends top to bottom w/out being fatiguing (more like walking the tube/SS line perfectly) and provides very decent separation.
  11. 909

    slow forum

    now you're just over acting, but some could categories that as something entertainment related.
  12. 909

    slow forum

    What's this we stuff.... you've been here, what, a week? If, even that... This place has ever been nice and quiet. So don't get chummy. Though, it used to be less crowded. now that's drama (you've get potential to be entertaining--keep working at it!)
  13. Ken, I concur.
  14. 909

    slow forum

    I am not entertained.
  15. did you get an opportunity to listen to the AE-2?
  16. another one listed that's probably the US version
  17. well.... don't leave us hanging
  18. It might... SP-- never know what's inside
  19. "need to charge" curious as to the value of the parts (probably acquired wholesale) and the man-hours to build..... I realize other factors at play in that $25K price tag such as overhead, R&D, and he's in business to make a profit. Anyone care to guess.... I've not clue, but here's my guess... I've a hard time imagining the parts cost him more than $3,750 and requiring more than 80 hours to build.
  20. The Reimyo DAP-777, looks very promising... too bad the one listed on audiogon is 230v \
  21. really very nice and so reasonably priced.
  22. Dynamite is a fantastic amp. Probably, one of the best SSs I've heard and can't beat the price. I would be very curious how the B22 stacks up against it. Does the B22 have a single-ended implementation? (like the Dynahi)
  23. I've not listened to anything I didn't really liked long enough to hate it. great hate follows great love
  24. directed at me or aerius?
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