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High Rollers
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Everything posted by 909

  1. Happy B-Day!
  2. Peter, congrats! They look near perfect. You did good.
  3. They're beautiful little dogs especially when puppies and certainly my experience with the breed is not indicative of how your experience might go. It's best to make an informed decision.
  4. that record shop is like a crack house across the street from where a crack addict works (well, sort of )
  5. what about your 808 audio memory compared to your vinyl experience?
  6. -wow- why? (is it a back-up table ) How much better is the Scout than the P3? How does your vinyl rigs (either one of them--but mostly the Scout) stand up agaisnt the 808i?
  7. as you should be--CONGRAT!
  8. 909

    slow forum

    I'm in no rush. Are you? Just write-up a cookie cutter email--change the manufacturer, model, and make a broad request and send two or three emails a day. If you know a particular contact person's name, it's always best to address it directly to them.
  9. 909

    slow forum

    And you've sent emails with specific spec questions when you feel the info provided is unclear?
  10. 909

    slow forum

    You've heard it?
  11. Sorry, postjack--but thanks for reminding me how vinyl can be so taxingly time consuming, challenging and expensive even with a decent entry rig. And that doesn't take into account the skill required to acheive proper set-up and dialing-in all the bits and pieces together. Still on occasion I struggle to walk away from vinyl and the only reason is certain commercially available recordings are just piss poor on CD. Though, I've bought some vinyl releases that are equally uninspiring.
  12. amazing price
  13. will do... I might even get DigiPete and Craig Uthus (AKA Eddie Current) to tag along.
  14. I am going to contact ELP this week. I've read they offer listening sessions by appointment only in their Torrance CA location, which is about 15 mile drive. Really curious to hear it, but at $10K, questionable support, needing calibration every 7 years in Japan, and if the company goes out of business too much risk for me. Though, I really like the idea.
  15. I didn't pick the Pug. I found it when it was a pup. \ My wife is a major dog person. Before I met her I... (well let's just say she converted me with this little Pug's help and his sweet disposition). Within a week I fell for the puppy Pug and we had to move a month later because we weren't allow to have a dog. He's got as do most Pugs a lot of personality and character in a small package. Though, he's not on the small size considering he's a Pug. So shedding is more of an issue, which I hate as well as he getz stinky rather quickly. Oh, and he's very picky when it comes to food. And a very in your face, needy type dog. With that being said, he's very smart, a big love, low-maintenance and well-behaved. Most pure breeds have health issues some more than others. I've not had one of the common health issues with Bugsey--knock on wood. He's very healthy and active for his age, but he has been eating our homemade real food (chicken or beef and pork with rice or barley or oatmeal and veggies sometimes even fruit) since about 1 years old. And we didn't get him fixed either. If I had to pick another dog right now, I'd look more at the Irish Terrier. But probably my wife would like a Bichon Frise, but they are high-maintenance.
  16. My wife fell in love with the pomeranian. Big mistake. Yet they're so cute and adorable when a puppy too. We already had a three yr old Pug at the time, named Bugsey (aka: b-man). The B-Man is now 8. I had trained Bugsey to use a doggie litter box within one week after getting him. The Pom, which we named Maxius (aka: Max) had to be one of the most stubborn dogs I've ever attempted to train. Even after learning to use the box, he still marked and as an act of domination peed on people and other dogs. Also, Max had one of the most annoying high pitched barks in the world. And he had a rather unpleasant disposition towards Bugsey. After three to four months, we gave Max to my wife's mother since she liked the way he looked. (We warned her or at least I did). So she has a few dogs including Max and he's the best looking, but still the most difficult to train, deal with, and very annoying bark. I've spoken with a handful of Pom owners, which shared that their Poms have a similar temperament and bark.
  17. 909

    Head-fi is down?

    contacting Head-Fi... Safari could not open the page ?http://www.head-fi.org/forums/? because the server stopped responding. can anyone access Head-Fi right now
  18. you had us all going good tooo (nice mind trick)
  19. 909

    slow forum

    You know what Sigmund Freud would say about your BJ post...
  20. me too
  21. 909

    BS Amazon e-mail?

    If they don't use your full name--I know that's a big thing with eBay and Paypal. But I never use links provided in such emails. I just go directly to the website or call.
  22. Your L-3000 is dead center in the production line. I am towards the end (SN: 444). I am excited for you to get them.
  23. Do you have an ETA? And do you know the serial number?
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