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Everything posted by 909

  1. need I report this repeated finger pointing power trip editing manipulation and abuse to grawk? he doesn't approve editing others' posts even when he does - -
  2. [me=909]points finger at JBLoudG20 for self abuse![/me]
  3. points and at JBLoudG20 pointing at a guy's crotch (soorrry)
  4. tickets just arrived In 13 days I'll be there!
  5. I want one too. Does anyone know a good test disc to use?
  6. 909


    I had good first impressions at the 2006 LA HES in Tyll's room with his GS-1000s. So I bought a pair. Even with 300+ hours (on my tube rig) very different listening impressions. They've got this bloated and overpowering bass, extremely recessed mids, no low level detail, and pitchy sharp highs. I sold them within five weeks of ownership. The good--a comfy Grado that has a vast soundstage.
  7. RUSH tickets
  8. Happy B-Day! (hope it is/was a good one ) What did you get?
  9. Didn't Earl receive his Extremes well before many others and then he got the second one he ordered after Mikhail received the onslaught of Extreme orders within a week or so whereas the regular folks just had to wait weeks, months and god knows how long for their Extreme. I know one guy that waited like four months and I'm sure he's not the only one. ZD is also a pre-amp. Have you even heard a stock Extreme? \
  10. I heard the L3000s with a dynahi a few days ago. It was a big surprise to me especially because I really liked that amp so much. The dynahi paired with the L3000s offered less bass, impact, and almost neutral presentation compared to my EC2A3 w/ the L3000s. I easily preferred the L3000s with my tube amp over the dynahi, which wasn't so clear cut with the HD650s since each amp did certain things slightly better and different than the other with the Senns.
  11. You are repeatedly speculating about what you believe you will hear and commenting authoritatively about something you have NOT even heard. The perceived failings you stated you heard were with the K701s (right) that you subsequently sold. I've rarely seen a stock SP amp in the for sale forum, most, if not all have those pricey upgrades. Admit it Earl, Mikhail gives you preferential treatment. The ZD has more options than just a stock headphone amp like the base Extreme.
  12. Exactly... You've NOT heard the production ZD and you avoid addressing that issue, repeatedly. Well, that's good. I hope when I hear the Extreme it synergizes with the rest of the system and has the best/right tubes. Really, I couldn't tell. Yet before the ZD became a production amp you liked it. Remember or should I link your previous impressions when you compared the ZD favorably to the Supra. I've already heard your reason(s) as to why since you hear it differently now (or some other changes) as is usually the case. In the big picture we're splitting hairs since sources and headphones are more likely to make audible differences than comparing high-end tube amps. Everything is dependent upon the right system synergy and the listener's preferences because at this level it really comes down to subjectiveness. Yet in my experience and to my ear EC amps are a much better bang for the buck especially considering most don't order a base SP amp, they probably have the highest overhead of any headphone amp manufacturer and certainly that has to be worked into each SP amp price.
  13. Earl--you kill me You've not even heard a production ZD; have you? You've only heard Mike's old proto ZD, which doesn't have the better parts like the custom Moth paper and oil with film and soy bean oil output caps and other changes--(the sound is decidely superior ). Even Mikhail commented that the Extreme doesn't have the same detail as the MPX3 or possibly put another way slightly veiled in comparison. I can say with certainy the EC2A3 and even more so the ZD is closer to the music than the MPX3 I heard. I can't wait to hear an Extreme.
  14. Is that the MPX compared against the ZD on Head-Fi? One thing that must be addressed: the L3000s are extremely sensitive, which is both a blessing and a curse. The curse part any tube that's bad you'll hear it; any noise the transformer makes you'll hear it, dirty power, etc.... Most amps even solid states I can hear things when powered on without music playing and at normal listening levels w/ the L3000s. I can't explain why, but my amp is one of the quietest, if not the quiestest amp I've heard with the L3000s. The blessing you'll hear nuances and low level details, which most cans graze over. And bad or noise tubes and amps are easy to spot.
  15. Only 6SN7 tubes, nothing else in the MPX3. I've heard two or three 5687 SP slam amps--didn't really like that tube's signature. And I've probably heard some other SP tube combos, but didn't pay close attention to the tubes or listen long enough to comment.
  16. The upgraded MPX3 I heard didn't sound that good with the stock electro harmonix tubes--not to my liking at all. Yet $100+ NOS 6SN7 tubes (at least $300 total cost) made a substantial difference for the better. Even with NOS tubes the MPX3 had a somewhat slow, slightly congested, and small cavern like presentation. The high end Eddie Current amps such as the EC2A3s and ZDs don't suffer the same even with stock tubes. Unless you compared them it isn't something so easy to notice.
  17. I highly suggest the Zana Deux. I think a tube amp is the way to go with the L3000s too.
  18. yup, but my favorites are Davidoff Magnum Filter cigarette--so smooth, tasty and what an awesome buzz!
  19. The cigarettes I like to smoke are pricey. I can't say I don't smoke because I do. I'd not had a cigarette since 12/06. Then I went out about a month ago and bought a pack of Sherman's MCD King Size. Then I bummed a smoke off Mikhail about a week ago. I am the occasional smoker, but they don't sell my favorite smokes in the US anymore. I can go months without smoking buy a pack then not smoke for a year.
  20. I've heard the HE90s with the HEV90 and SP ES-1. What amp are you alluding to? And why can't you use open cans?
  21. express mail I might just break down and buy a pack.
  22. I don't even think the Orpheus outperform the L3000s when it comes to rock.
  23. How do you define instant? I've heard the R10s more than a few times and have had extended listening sessions with them. They've only awed me once--the first time I heard them. I really like the R10s a great deal; in fact, they're one of my favorite dynamic headphones. But the L3000s is the undisputed rock king.
  24. can a bum a smoke?
  25. The L3000 are badass cans, no doubt. I recently did a brief back-to-back comparison between the R10s and the L3000s. I had my entire rig and Black Sabbath's War Pigs playing. No comparison the L3000s killed the R10s. The R10s sounded bright, thin, brittle, and lifeless--like shy little girly cans. I can't even think I would prefer the R10s with jazz. I suppose classical is the only caveat I'll concede to the R10s. Since the L3000s have an intimate soundstage, but with my new source there's more depth extending outside the soundstage--pointblank it's larger. Yet still the R10s had a larger soundstage.
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