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Everything posted by 909

  1. 909


    welcome aboard
  2. seriously overrated flick - - wasn't impressed. pretty blah--kinda see it all before. \
  3. 909

    The Live Music Thread

    thanks, Dusty Chalk and postjack for the Genesis album suggestions. i'll probably hit the cd trader this weekend and select one for a listen.
  4. 909

    The Live Music Thread

    I think Rush is getting better with age too and they seem to enjoy playing together. Don't own one Genesis album not for any reason, but I've not had much of any exposure to them. What should be my first Genesis CD?
  5. 909

    The Live Music Thread

    Last night I saw RUSH at the Coors Amphitheatre in Chula Vista. Great show as usual, but the band looked tried compared to the Los Angeles show at the Hollywood Bowl. My 13th row dead-center seat was incredible, yet I still managed to move up a few rows to the 4th row and believe it or not six seats to my right stood my Products Liability Professor--strange to see him rocking and knowing the words. Had an excellent time--got my RUSH fix. The next band I am very excited to see is Jethro Tull!
  6. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glNjsOHiBYs]Happy Birthday to you--Todd![/ame] Hope it's a good.
  7. human weapon -the art of Eskrima- (history channel)
  8. courttv body of evidence with Dayle Hinman
  9. SNL
  10. The Rush show was so fucking good, I've bought tickets to see them in San Diego on July 30th. I couldn't resist with such an awesome seat up for grabs-- dead-center orchestra pit, 13th row for $61. I am still in shock... I can't wait, I'll be so close too!
  11. 4 bars of Dr. Bronner's Magic all-one hemp peppermint pure-castile soap
  12. wrong thread (sorry) \
  13. Congrats! Beautiful wood too. fitzwell, doesn't fitzwell... (is it better suited for small to medium size ears or what ?)
  14. 909

    The Live Music Thread

    RUSH at the Hollywood Bowl (just got home)--one of the best concerts I've seen--period--fuck'n excellent!
  15. sushi on Monday? are you serious? if you're having cooked stuff and imitation crab that's fine, but going raw today is questionable since it's usually weekend leftovers. In fact, most places around here are closed on Mondays.
  16. peanut butter & jelly sandwich
  17. Understandable, and by no means had I wished to imply "it's a bad thing." But wanted to know if it had been fact based.
  18. rather the pic than the eyebleach--thank you very much.
  19. you've got a lot of what-ifs & are you just what-if-ing or is there any acutal and factual applicability in your post cause I don't see it nor know about it. What are you suggesting? Jude doesn't legally own Head-Fi? Then how many people should have been included in this "co-op" and who are they? what did they do? who getz final say? I see this just as more idealism. I am a member of a co-op, but I've got no power or say. over moderated--just go to stevehoffman's website makes Head-Fi's moderation seem passive
  20. Yes, without exception Head-Fi is an online community, yet it is also owned by one private individual. The community isn't the final decision maker regardless of whatever outside influences may or may not have sway over those handpicked to help run the place. I differ too. He may accept advertising dollars, sponsor fees, and offer special privileges to yearly due paying members, which doesn't in anyway convey any ownership rights to those willing to pay to play. Nor does expressing it's a "public forum" necessarily make it so since no one has any so-called "rights" on Head-Fi. We're basically at best just guests some more welcomed than others and some not welcome at all. In this regard, I am being a realist and not an idealist.
  21. I made it to 168 before bed--really good read so far. I'll crack it open again after lunch.
  22. I wonder why anyone would call him that... It's his own website. He can do whatever he wants.
  23. Me too. Hard cover book in hand almost done with chapter 2.
  24. touching & touchy
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