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Everything posted by 909

  1. click
  2. http://www.jandd.com/ http://www.tragerusa.com/index.htm really well-made and durable bags that last.
  3. thank for clearing that up, i just searched for that particular exchange.
  4. 6moons: EC/ZD thread where you indicated "the PPX3 SLAM is not push/pull." then KG said it's "definitely push pull." there are others like this thread here and others, but i really don?t care enough. if it's black and white, one way is right and i think KG knows his shit. i didn't "hint" at any SP relationship or even suggest it with the discussion at hand, but whatever. as to EC i didn't bring it up, but replied to your misinformation and indicated Mikhail doesn't build every amp either; big deal. i get to hear a lot of different products and i don't write reviews unless i like it. i've never had a problem with my amp going on nearly 3 years. more bogus attacks and misinformation-- keep shoveling it and cover your mirrors.
  5. spinning, please you're insecurity and immaturity never ceases to amaze. if he doesn't know what's inside or whatever else it could be makes you look putting it mildly, misinformed and continuing down this path is pretty ridiculous. obviously this has nothing to do with EC, but with KG calling you on your "BS" and dispelling your misinformation about SP amps, which isn't the first time. Mikhail doesn't building every single amp so what difference does it make if Craig hires experienced workers and Mikhail employees. Craig designs every thing and ensures an extremely high level of quality control over his products and he still builds too. prediction: you'll now name call, use the "spin" word and attack EC or some combo.
  6. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=glNjsOHiBYs]Happy Birthday to you--Ian![/ame] hope it's a good one. what did you get?
  7. tell us earl, if anyone should know it would be you. imo, you're making Mikhail look ridiculous since it seems he's either lying to you and others or doesn't really know exactly what's inside his amps or how to explain it properly. KG just doesn't seem like the uninformed type, but anything is possible I suppose.
  8. possibly you are a little miss informed... shoveling the BS double-standard, very nice indeed. little surprises like exactly what's locked inside those SP chassis... \ it's unfortunate this hobby revolves so much around marketing hype.
  9. the Cambridge 640p is under $200 and supposedly a really decent phono. really interesting... KG two; earl zero ( miss information ) bet that's not entirely true too, though, I can't prove it.
  10. Superb Cert Diamonds They've got awesome hearts and arrows diamonds and their online documents and photos are the best I've seen. I bought from them. Vatche offers some very nice settings and they manufacturer the Tiffany Lucida setting, which is similar to the Vatche X-Prong. Pricescope is a really good diamond forum.
  11. i like it stock. it's already a really good combo and probably the master chefs at mcdonalds tested many nuts and different coatings before arriving at this particular one.
  12. it's really good! seriously, i just had one. the apples were crispy and tart, grapes plump, firm and juicy, nuts crunchy and sweet, and the yogurt creamy, smooth and not too sweet. (i've had it before, yet it's been many moons since i've been to mcdonalds.)
  13. that's something i would really like to hear and unless something is wrong the vinyl without question should sound superior. reading about the SH/KG stuff makes me want a TT.
  14. so very true! mastering is key for cds and lps. i've heard bad masterings on both especially new releases and some reissues. vinyl is much more likely to have sound quality issues as a result of the pressing process. cds can get the life compressed out of them whereas vinyl can't get pushed as far and typically sound better. though, older original released cds sound pretty decent as do german and japanese pressings and some actually sound incredible especially played on the right source. buying new vinyl that's been digitally remastered or recorded in digital isn't ideal. most of my cds were purchased prior to 2000 and my favorites back around the late 80's so i am lucky in that fact and now i am really researching then hunting down the best release i can find. i would love to hear MFSL, SH, and KG on vinyl, yet fine tuning a vinyl rig can be a challenge in that one has to match table, arm, cart, phono stage, etc to ensure it sounds right. i've heard expensive vinyl rigs with noticeable roll off and bloated bass among other issues. i am not familiar with that thump cd and vinyl, but i would sure like to compare my source against a mid-level vinyl rig proper set-up to hear it back-to-back then make a conclusion.
  15. thanks! i'll definitely read up on them..., not!
  16. thought about going that route, but based on my reading buying something like that on eBay could easily turn into a major headache and money pit. i don't have the experience or patience to do it so i'd hire professionals to help me and it could easily exceed my budget. if i do vinyl again, i want an extremely easy set-it and forget-it turntable and rega for better or worse fits the bill. additionally, i can listen to what it sounds like before i pull the trigger and the P5 seems well suited for classic rock. i'm still undecided if i even want to go back down this road again. i sit and listen to my cdp-77 and think, why?
  17. i don't, but sushi terms i know. i clicked the link and believe the japanese text is all question marks.
  18. i would still like to listen to one, but can't justify or swing the hefty price coupled with the fact the laser needs to be replaced every 4 to 6 years done only in japan at the factory and owner pays both ways and what if they go out of business... \
  19. will do, but only my amp and whatever lp i selected would be the same.
  20. thanks, for putting things in perspective. i've got about 40 of my favorite albums, but even the 15 or so new LPs could probably use a wet cleaning. i'll select a few and make the trip, should probably bring my amp and cans too.
  21. reading all the vinyl praise starts my wheels spinning every time. over the past few weeks, i did a bit of vinyl research and price checking and thought a rega p5 w/ power supply, exact cart and the cambridge 640p is a nice relatively no fuss package that i can get new for under $1500. but the question remains will it sound better than my reimyo. i've a hard time thinking it would, though, it might sound different or better in some regards, yet it might not in others. something tells me i would need to get a really high end vinyl rig to equal or better my digital source. i've been putting it off, but i've got to make a trip to Brooks Berdan to give the P5 a listen. life is so simple with cds.
  22. twisted! are you taking a course? i suggest you do so. i highly recommend testmasters and if you can take it with Robin Singh. yeah, but not today. but of course.
  23. exaggerated claims
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