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Everything posted by 909

  1. if i came to Canada would i get free health care?
  2. it is wrong and agasint the California Health Code, which requires all hospitals to make "appropriate arrangements for post-hospital care" and for "continuing health-care requirements" before discharging any patient. " this isn't our system, but this is a criminal act that some people commit and those responsible need to be held accountable.
  3. but you afford high-end audio equipment my wife and i've have excellent dental coverage, though, isn't accidential coverage. we pay a flat yearly $120 premium, which covers both of us for two check-ups, two dental cleanings, one yearly exam ray and then 70 - 90% off any other necessary stuff.
  4. so you're taking this seriously
  5. over the top, joker -- difference in life expectancy is 2 years (i think US 77 and canada 79). i think your get shot dead comment is unlikely.
  6. curious to know what they do in those other countries if they baby isn't developing properly? Abort? if so, does that go into the study? it doesn't even take into account the number of serious cases that are high risk? just because a hospital has a high mortality rate doesn't necessary mean it isn't a good hospital. it could just be the area or they deal mainly with serious cases. with the shorter life expectancy--what about the US homicide rate, manslaughter rate, auto fatality rate, etc... are those figures even reflected in the study and compared against other countries to get a better picture?
  7. probably i could have worded it better, but i am a snob when it comes to anything health care related, insurance plans, doctors, and even hospitals and county even the good ones are something i wouldn't put up with or go to unless i had no other options. i like going to either UCLA or Cedars-Sinai so county even the best county is really down there. my wife and i are very healthy and rarely go to the doctor, but for those yearly check-ups and what not. so the plan i selected is flexible to our needs and imo is very reasonable like $7 dollars a day for both of us, but in the event something serious happened we pay 20% of the insurance special price total, though, it caps at $3500 per individual on the plan then it kicks in 100%.
  8. And probably you've never been to county hospitals here--some are decent and some suck--i am sure similar in Canada. i bet, in general the US has more medical patents, better doctors, and hospitals than anywhere. i've got really good health insurance.
  9. lack of medical coverage doesn't necessary mean they go without medical care when needed. \ there are many health insurance companies offering many good plans some at very reasonable rates. People have options, one being not to have it.
  10. there's always an exception--big deal.. I bet that hospital is using treatments and nearly everything else developed primarily in the US.
  11. medical coverage doesn't suck here.
  12. When people are really sick, can't find a cure, or want the best they usually come here because the US is considered to have some of the best, if not the best doctors, hospitals, and treatement centers in the world. I bet the Canadian health care system is a nice step up from county around here, which isn't saying much.
  13. neither does it here.
  14. $1.00 USD = $1.00067 CAD yeah, but your high tax rate sucks!
  15. beef jerky
  16. if you're referring to the "t rose" change to "trose" in your post that's a wordfilter.
  17. 909

    slow forum

    stop playing coy.
  18. 909

    slow forum

    like you don't know
  19. what, that he is also a dickhead?
  20. that's an absolutist statement
  21. 909


    statistically speaking it's sad, scary and unfortunately true.
  22. 909


    and more likely to die sooner
  23. i am keeping it real. i'd rather you know, possibly something beneficial might come out of this and you might rethink this twit like mentality.
  24. trose you and your opinions will not get any respect here. you've been a long time laughingstock at head-fi, but no one there will or can tell that to your face.
  25. Logitech VX Nano
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