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Everything posted by 909

  1. i have never had to pay someone to make me feel special. we have our moments...
  2. i thought you were done. no you got it
  3. pick up the phone, i am sure todd would love to hear from you. fair enough mr. absolutely no idea... i guess comparing me to billy isn't ideal, but whatever... Ryan, glad you and billy resolved that little pickle--did you make up with him? what happen with the 6moons gig?
  4. 1. aerius, fucks whores. 2. aerius, needs to realize that lawyers speak in plain english and, of course, language is subject to semantics.
  5. you still sound pissy. i believe you are pissy. in fact, you have been pissy elsewhere today too. the shit you are selling is pretty much straight bs... slapping a label on me, saying i called you gay (which I did not), saying whatever point someone make i always spew back, and most of all not backing it up. what a baby, i twist one sentence and you are having a little hissy. what you don't realize is what i repeated back is applicable to you, though, you obviously don't like to hear that. i assume you aren't an idiot and know what the word "ambiguously" means? by reacting as you did demonstrates your own insecurities. you sure seemed to care about it. keeping telling yourself that... anyone can have gay friends, but that doesn't etablish shit. i am not worry at all, in fact, this is all extremely amusing.
  6. i read it, but not don't it this might be right up your alley. "everything" and "never" are absolutist statement and usually just bs. you know what they say about people that make assumptions? so best to ask if you don't get it instead of misconstruing it into something it is not. perception is to each their own as is interpretation--usually there is no precise right or wrong read just different ways of looking at the same thing. the english language will always be open to interpretation... but with statements like " I dont pay attention to what you post anymore" makes me think you are full of shit. obviously, you are reading my posts right now and probably not paying close attention. though, just looking to make issue with any little thing you can nitpick. those statments imo could be applicable to many people, but were directed at n_maher based on our dialogue in this thread. but since you don't read my posts or pay attention it is pointless to explain it to you, right? ( 1) "double standards are so telling about ones credibility." hypocrisy (or riding on a high horse) goes to ones believability. 2) "you continue to sell shit without backing it or just make shit up" no support and saying i called him gay, which i already said i didn't no, but put differently 3) "absolutely precious" sarcasm
  7. i am not surprised, but don't play the moron that you aren't earl.
  8. EdipisReks, good move splitting this off from the Diablo thread since its just mucking things up.
  9. no you called me... (keep it straight now) as bad a messup as he (billy) is (or something near exact to that)... i didn't call you gay, but the horror if it did. it is funny, though, because you obviously are more pissy over something i didn't even say. in fact, you were the first to use the gay word in this thread. what do you have against gay people? you're not homophobic, are you? just keep repeating more of your own bs, beguiled by a pic that meant to imply a fantastic duo that isn't doing anything gaylike unless you think two guys shaking hands is gay. perhaps you took my "pic" the wrong way and a bit too seriously due to a previous sensitivity about an issue. double standards are so telling about ones credibility. you continue to sell shit without backing it or just make shit up. absolutely precious.
  10. your opinion about my opinions are off base, but you we are both entitled to see things as we like. why do you continue? um, because it gets you off and you feel invigorated--you are obviously getting something out of it. remember you wanted something, so you started this little spat after i made a little nonsense joking comment directed at no one in particular, but whatever. i didn't call you gay, duper, more bs. the way you started things off never even gave reason a fighting chance let alone anything meaningful. you are really funny... a gut busting riot.
  11. what else would you say
  12. are you sure you aren't talking about yourself (right here, right now, in this thread based on this course of discussion. i think i could possibly be one of the last people you could accuse of not standing behind their opinion, though, it doesn't matter whether you agree or don't with them. it's so easy for any yahoo to say, but why not show some evidence that's not taken out of context... don't be so naive the world isn't black and white and opinions don't exist in a vaccuum.
  13. no not really it's pretty much the same, but you are full of unfounded assumptions... not an original thought, throws a label out, not related, but as others it's merely unsupported mumbo-jumbo.
  14. you just lost any bit of credibility you might have once believed you might have had. this statement applies to both of you too you two make a fantastic duo
  15. prostitute yourself on head-fi for rsa (we ain't too keen on either of you nor believe the bs you both spew) ray is your pimp... and you are his little ... hope the craptor does ruin your earing... did you know ray is hard of hearing?
  16. jerk off in private
  17. just messing around with no meaningful fillers. everybody wong a dong
  18. KG don't three wrongs make a right
  19. 909

    slow forum

  20. postjack = ron patato = con man
  21. that site is unstable (and i am not talking about the staff )
  22. just kidding
  23. it isn't even released and looks to be only successful b/c of the rsa bs amp rep and marketing crap. rippin' off the fuckin' kids while they be payin' their hard earned money...
  24. bring the pain
  25. you said it not me. :laugh:
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