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High Rollers
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Everything posted by 909

  1. Dusty, you missed neutering it in the link so the video still plays on Head-Case. http://www.head-case.org/index.php/topic,2447.msg69018.html#msg69018
  2. dead cat pics, not ok... dead people pics, not ok... fake poop pics, not ok... but a little bestiality video is OK, go figure. No, not really -- Dusty
  3. iirc the hd2 is based off zd topology, though, the hd2 has a transformer while the zd is otl. what did he say?
  4. i had thought the same thing.
  5. happy b-day, John!
  6. in the simplest terms the hd-2 is a balanced zd, but John's has some ultra rare and costly parts so his is one of a kind.
  7. http://www.stopcats.com/ http://www.provenrepellents.com/products.php?pid=10333
  8. you are welcome to have a copy of my version.
  9. i certainly hope so. i spent way too much, don't know what i was thinking. the beatles discs are said to be taken from the same source as the ones made for the american market. the only beatles obi worth getting is that abbey road black triangle, but i just need to hear if those other ones are any better than my american pressings. supposedly, the original obi All Things Must Pass is the holy grail so i believe this reissue is near identical. i just bought the hendrix on a whim since i've never seen it before.
  10. i went a bit silly on eBay... The Beatles Revolver JAPAN 1987 CD Black " 30TH Anniversary" obi CP32-5327 The Beatles Magical Mystery Tour JAPAN 1987 CD Black " 30TH Anniversary" obi CP32-5334 George Harrison All Things Must Pass JAPAN 1993 2CD box w/obi TOCP-8027.28 Jimi Hendrix War Heroes JAPAN 1991 CD w/ black obi POCP-2024 shipped EMS from Japan so it shouldn't be much longer...
  11. i would rather see the dead.
  12. good-riddance, punk pussy.
  13. sissies
  14. the plot thickens
  15. you know your narcotics.
  16. what's the difference between crack and crank?
  17. thanks for the tip, just did the update.
  18. old school original wheat thins
  19. that little pussy looks so petrified its probably a dead cat.
  20. You wanta antagonize me
  21. hypo.... head-fi comes back online within the next few days, but from a back-up done over a year ago then in an additional two weeks more data is recovered pretty much up to the present--what happens to all those posts in that two week limbo period? will they get wiped or integrated? \
  22. probably did, but i suspect if so he would have kept it in the same place he kept all that other data he's now busting his butt trying to get back.
  23. redemption
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