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High Rollers
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Everything posted by 909

  1. mountain valley spring water, bragg's apple cider vinegar and monofloral honey
  2. mountain valley spring water
  3. happy bday
  4. paleo (grain-free) meatloaf, sweet potatoes and sautéed spinach
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-McpNtHet3w&feature=player_embedded nsfw (profanity)
  6. mountain valley spring water
  7. glad to hear your dad is better.
  8. super healing energy to dusty's mama
  9. among other more mundane things... installed a carbon monoxide detector in our house because it is now the law in California. made reservations for tomorrow night at animal -- http://online.wsj.co..._share_facebook getting ready to bathe the pug then off to do a little crossfit before dinner...
  10. zico coconut water, pretty decent.
  11. happy b-day, Tyll!
  12. earlier i had some coconut water and now i've moved onto mountain valley spring water.
  13. sweet!
  14. thanks! your knife is an absolute pleasure to work with, btw. the more i use it, the more and more i am impressed by how much easier and cleanly it slices and chops thing up than any other knife i've used.
  15. organic, grass fed, free range beef liver (that I pre-soaked in organic sugar free almond milk) then cooked medium rare in bacon fat with an organic apple cider vinegar and soy sauce reduction infused with fresh garlic chips. this is probably the best tasting liver i've ever cooked. zucchini cooked in coconut oil infused garlic then covered with uncured organic bacon bits.
  16. no.... it's just that sprouted is better
  17. sprouted sunflower seeds
  18. it was a sad, sad realization when i discovered, to my horror, that the WFs in Mayberry didn't have my poison of choice.
  19. mountain valley spring water
  20. want! eating a tasty ny strip medium rare and spinach with garlic
  21. tried it, didn't like it, as it only had itty bitty bacon bits.
  22. you got me away from eating steaks medium to now having them medium rare, but i don't know if i could get to the point of eating them very rare.
  23. an egg and apple-chicken sausage
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