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Everything posted by 909

  1. 909

    supa tuesday

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuTqgqhxVMc]YouTube - Coulter: I'll campaign for Hillary if McCain is the nominee[/ame]
  2. SB, he lives in SB! thanks, Ken!
  3. great epic meet!!! what source did Frank use with his GM70 amp?
  4. i've personally heard and read that this company has serious difficulty getting their player in the hands of actual customers. the same can be said about one of their competitors too.
  5. 909

    slow forum

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wIivoqLbeeg]YouTube - Ron Paul: A New Hope 2.0[/ame]
  6. 909

    slow forum

    [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6E1zh6ukcOU]YouTube - Man Suffers Unusual Disease[/ame]
  7. i bet the dark knight will be financially more successful because of his untimely death.
  8. funny i always had the opposite experience with Grover's cables--way too tight until i asked if he could make them with a bit of play. did you buy them used?
  9. this pic had been posted previously a long while ago and i don't recall anyone even mention that you took the photo. the different plug really made my bs detector go off and i have seen his cables minus the tech flex, but it isn't uncommon for Grover to use different colors, though, i have not seen that particular shade of blue before. MOT, selling what i might ask?
  10. this pic has been posted here before and to repeat my previous impression having owned the UR4 thru UR8s and three versions of the "S" cable (currently own the white "S" cable) this does NOT look anything like Grover's cables. all the Grover cables i have seen, handled, or received over the years have never used anything remotely similar to that particular silver connector pictured nor that blue hosing. previously digipete also made similar commentary that, that cable pictured above does NOT look like Grover's. Iron_Dreamer heard my UR8s compared back-to-back with my Cardas Neutral References and i am almost certain he preferred Grover's in my system. i lent EdipisReks my black "S" cables for a few weeks and he came away with positive impressions and thought about buying them as did 5687 (sacd lover) when he also listened to them for about the same time period. by the way, Grover's cable design is now patented.
  11. The New York Times published just two months ago shed a new light on the untimely death of Heath Ledger: ?I stressed out a little too much,? Mr. Ledger said. He tends to do that. He is here in London filming the latest episode of the ?Batman?franchise, ?The Dark Knight.? (Mr. Bale, as it happens, plays Batman; Mr. Ledger plays the Joker.) It is a physically and mentally draining role ? his Joker is a ?psychopathic, mass-murdering, schizophrenic clown with zero empathy? he said cheerfully ? and, as often happens when he throws himself into a part, he is not sleeping much. "Last week I probably slept an average of two hours a night,? he said. "I couldn?t stop thinking. My body was exhausted, and my mind was still going.? One night he took an Ambien, which failed to work. He took a second one and fell into a stupor, only to wake up an hour later, his mind still racing. Even as he spoke, Mr. Ledger was hard-pressed to keep still. He got up and poured more coffee. He stepped outside into the courtyard and smoked a cigarette. He shook his hair out from under its hood, put a rubber band around it, took out the rubber band, put on a hat, took off the hat, put the hood back up. He went outside and had another cigarette. Polite and charming, he nonetheless gave off the sense that the last thing he wanted to do was delve deep into himself for public consumption. "It can be a little distressing to have to overintellectualize yourself,? is how he put it, a little apologetically.
  12. seems pretty common with certain prestige products and hi-fi audio products too beguiled perception
  13. vaporware isn't on point. though, when an unreleased and unseen product is marketed, it's vaporware in my book. (billy on spin cycle) ONLY one possible explanation, it must be burn-in, to the exclusion of any other explanation is just narrow-minded.
  14. my hornet didn't go through anything even close to a substantial transformation during the first 500 hours. i think ray uses burn-in to explain away unflattering comments and it's likely to help (more than hurt) the longer people spend time with a product. the ray circus and his faithful milks this for all it's worth.
  15. lifetime warranty, what will ray be doing this shit past the next ten to fifteen years??? call me a callus mother fucker, though this is head-case, but i really doubt he'll still be among the living then... i see the lifetime warranty thing as pure desperation and marketing savvy!
  16. you must believe! otherwise, you'll be banned to hell. i had the hornet and it did NOT change substantially within the first 500 hours. marketing seeds being planted in unwitting brains.
  17. 909

    Happy New Year

    happy fuck'n new year, bitches!!!!! my wife is intoxicated!
  18. happy birthday to you! (you're not a beatle)
  19. almost certain it's against their terms of use, without exception.
  20. Feliz Navidad
  21. exceedingly rare and/or out of production gear and virtually anything that's so substantially below the FMV you'd be insane not to buy are completely valid exclusions.
  22. this seems like an opportune time to post extreme guts. just to tide us over....
  23. it's back, but seems really quirky.
  24. 909

    TTVJ Blues

    In my experience they tend to be a bit lackadaisical. Don't get your hopes up until you see a tracking number.
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