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Everything posted by 909

  1. 909

    slow forum

    anyone with half a brain would not have put that message in English because their target audience won't get the point.
  2. i don't know enough, but believe the new tube phono stage i am using is set-up to match this cart. though, there's a large adjustment field to play within. it is better, but still fatiguing to my sensitive ears. i think it's the cart.
  3. yes, Brooks is supposedly the place to go. if i can get the table dialed in, then i'll think about needledrops. i would greatly appreciated some pointers when i get to that point. right now, the tt is tilted to the higher register. the treble is still hot and sibilant after 15 hours of play on this new cart and going from a ss phono not set to the exact load to a tube phono set to a proper load. yet it is better. i am not familiar enough with the tt to know if it's partly responsible for the brightness or the cart. either way listening fatigue sets in rather quick.
  4. 909

    slow forum

    :'( sorry it wasn't quite up to snuff for you. YouTube - the rolling stones - you can't always get what you want
  5. 909

    slow forum

    sync them and listen to both at the same time--stereo echo
  6. 909

    slow forum

    it's really cool!
  7. 909

    slow forum

    (s)he ain't a gal
  8. 909

    slow forum

  9. good call! Craig & Brooks both said the same thing. Brooks said the cart load is 47K, which I believe the phono is set at. he also mentioned gain, and said the output is 2.2mv. though, advised to give it at least 20 to 30 hours before making any changes as the cart should settle. Craig offered to change the load as some cartridges even sound better with different loading than the manufacture states. i'll spin and wait.
  10. went to Brooks Berdan ltd. today--really nice shop and great guy. instead of getting the dl-160, i listened to Brook's son Brian and a guy from needle doctor and got the MC20E2-H. unfortunately, it's proven so far to be treble hot and shows no indication of taming. most lps are slightly to seriously irritating since nearly every s, sh, z, is delivered with sibilance. the set-up instructions say a 20-hour "break-in" period, but i doubt it will change drastically within the next 15 hours. i hate having to call Brian tomorrow and tell him.
  11. thanks, Luis. i am happy with the tt so far. without question, proper set-up is of the utmost importance. i am relieved to have the biotracer arm to help with that part. it's certainly nice having a tt again. i don't know if it's just nostalgia or something akin to comfort food, but there is a happy feeling i get having the player spinning and records out. i suppose what really got me into music was listening to vinyl way back when... right now it's a somewhat mixed bag because i suspect the included cartridge is worn and needs to be replaced and my records could use a cleaning. i am wavering between a few carts--the DL-160 ($180), AT-OC9 ML II ($299), and the AT33PTG ($340), though, the latter two are more than i want to spend. so i am heavily leaning towards the DL-160. i would like to believe i can achieve good results manually wet cleaning, but wonder if something like the KAB-EV1 would yield better results. again, i don't want to sink more money than i have to at this point, though, i would like to reduce as much unnecessary noise as possible. also, i believe the cleaner the record the longer the needle should last plus since i am getting a new needle i would like to keep it as clean as possible. i am pretty set on the cambridge 640p since it should be a good starting point and based on my research seems well suited for the DL-160, however, i am not 100% certain since i am just relying on online opinions and what not.
  12. thanks. i've read very good things about lt-30 and it did get favorably comparison to the PX-2/3. what lps did you bag? i am very excited. it's killing me not having a pre/phono stage. i only look and play without listening. but soon very soon...
  13. as many of you know, i sold my vinyl rig (& saturn) to sport the reimyo cdp-777. yet, even though i sold every bit, i could not part with my meager vinyl collection--particular the beatles, lennon, rush, miles, led zeppelin, coltrane etc... when i would read posts raving about the vinyl experience, i jealously longed for it and at the same time dreaded it because i never really achieved it, lack the knowhow to properly set-up a tt, and the whole process seemed overly involved. so now and again, i had been thinking and researching how to do vinyl on the cheap and easy--vintage tables and rega were likely contenders. i wanted to keep it well under a grand and more or less just desired something to spin my 40 odd records and whatever i might buy. this week, i discovered pretty much push and play linear turntables from the 80s--such as technics SL-7 and SL-10, Yamaha PX-2 and PX-3, and Sony PS-X600 and PS-X800. they had received praise with respect to sound quality and ease of use. though, dismissed to a certain degree by the audiophile community at large. these technics were limited to p-mount cartridges. i found a very nice Yamaha PX-3 (based on the PX-1 and then PX-2) on eBay, but the local seller never replied to my messages and did not provide any type of shipping quote. additionally as nice as the PX-3 is regarded, the PX-2 is better. Sony also produced some linear tables in the 80s with their biotracer tonearm. the ps-x800 is considered one of the best Sony ever made (up with the PX-2), but not in the same league as the PX-1. the Yamaha and Sony linear tables mentioned, i believe, take virtually any cartridge and installation is less involved and easier than the commonly used pivot arms. Sony's biotracer arm is far more complex, but mounting a cart is probably the simplest and easiest of all the tts mentioned. when i found a local guy selling the ps-x800, i jumped. yes, there are risks involved because the tables are very complex and few people have the skill or parts to service them. i don't believe Sony even services or provides parts for them anymore. here's what i bought in manhattan beach today for $280. believe it or not, the seller had a hornet, hd600s, hd650s w/ cardas cable, and ci audio headphone amp besides what one would normally expect--a bedroom and living room speaker rig. after listening a bit with speakers, i moved on to the hd650s, ci audio amp and revolver lp, which sealed the deal. within the next few days i'll borrow a friend's phono stage until i get something permanent, yet i am going to keep it under $180 such as the cambridge 640p. possibly in the next few months, i'll upgrade from the included ortofon cart to the denon dl-160. can't wait to hear it in my system and compare it against the reimyo and see what a $500 to $650 vinyl rig can do.
  14. cpk pizza & then an apple
  15. sony ps-x800
  16. 909

    slow forum

  17. 909

    slow forum

    Scarlett was the first photo i saw like this and the first thing i thought was someone was trying to make her look like a little person until i found that site. even Jack looks like he should be a little person without the neck.
  18. 909

    slow forum

    this is not a test. two thing they have in common are digitally neckless alternations and then the touched up photo gets posted here. those two tweaked photos are the most real looking to me. pretty bizarre and a little bit funny, don't you think?
  19. 909

    slow forum

  20. [ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F2zx3-0zOPs]YouTube - Raw Video: Too Old? 'You Little Jerk,' McCain Laughs[/ame]
  21. 909

    slow forum

  22. thanks. i've been looking at sensa too and it's good to know they at least offer resizing even with the fee. i believe these things are pretty cheap to make so one would think UE would at least offer something similar to their customers.
  23. I saw these UE 10s on eBay two days ago. And thought if i could have UE in Irvine, about 35 minutes from my house, take my ear impressions then they could make customs to perfectly fit my ears and this might be a good deal. so i called UE customer service and to my surprise UE said no can do. a few hours later i called back and asked, if i am an original UE10 owner and two or three years later my ear canal changes as a result of wearing them, age, or gaining or losing weight would UE recast in the event they no longer provided a secure fit. again, the UE rep said no. she explained the recasting process could possibly damage the drivers. i am still a bit surprised--spend $900 plus and get an incredible product, you can't sell nor get any fit guarantees past the first 30 days. has anyone with custom monitors noticed the fit changing over time, specifically getting looser? do any of the iem companies provide custom recasting?
  24. Steve-O was arrested Sunday night for vandalism. a neighbor in his Los Angeles apartment complex made a citizen's arrest after Steve-O began going berserk and breaking holes in the walls of his apartment. [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_vLbYP2Qm8[/ame] [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCogUkiI8W4[/ame] [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XwoXlEnroUQ[/ame] [ame]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDvKGo4MsUU[/ame]
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