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Everything posted by 909

  1. anyone save JL's R10 page? they have deleted! it is as if they never worked on R10s because the tab is even gone from their homepage. these people are fucking shady.
  2. that huge red cap and you getting your hands on more reminds me of something a bit like this...
  3. Even if JL is in the right here, which I find highly unlikely, they have not only done themselves a grave disservice in their defense, but have demonstrated themselves to be a company I can not in good conscience ever do business with either directly or indirectly. As far as I am concerned whether it be here or elsewhere, I will suggest to anyone that might consider their products and/or service to avoid them at all costs--and urge others at minimum to inform the unwitting about this fiasco. JL can point their fingers and keep that measly thousand dollars, may it serve them well.
  4. 909

    OICDN Fan

    something about that casino pic of him dealing reminds me of his avatar--apish visage.
  5. happy b-day! hope it was a good one!
  6. 909

    slow forum

  7. after seeing a flick at arclight cinemas in hollywood, went across the street to amoeba music and bought metallica kill 'em all & guns n' roses appetite for destruction both on vinyl.
  8. any experience with www.jenalabs.com? a good thread starter question on steve hoffman, audiogon, audio karma, etc... then another can drop the shoddy r10 bomb...
  9. i don't want to see anyone lose their jobs, seriously. yet if their customer service sucks, work is shoddy and their cables and/or products are just high price tags sold with smoke, mirrors and good marketing, consumers should help other consumers by letting them know the truth. yeah doing the right thing--priceless at this point, an apology (free) and a full refund for the fuck-up.
  10. my point/desire isn't meant to put them out of business, but to at least make them accountable for their actions. tough love--take responsibility--time heals all wounds--and any potential customer should have all the facts before they get in bed with them especially if they are willing to do their homework. i would expect you would like to know something like this before you made a decision to buy a product or service from a particular manufacturer.
  11. my current speculative read on jenalabs is they are willing to write off the entire headphone community and completely ignore the situation because our little sect and the even smaller exclusive r10 owners that might consider a re-cable job and potential choose them represents such a minuscule piece of their business it just isn't worth it to them. if this debacle spread to say audiogon, audioasylum, stevehoffman, etc., and any one of those sites allowed it to remain indefinitely or gave the outward appears it would then it is likely jenalabs might step up and say something. yet if it's anything like their email they would just continue to dig their own grave.
  12. yes x3 and pay for the repair!
  13. YouTube - G Unit ft Joe - Wanna Get To Know You
  14. after reading about this whole jenalabs fiasco, you'd think any jenalabs cabled r10 owner would be running to get his/her r10s checked out.
  15. good stuff posted on head-fi.... Morph201 got whacked with the mod stick 15 minutes and counting....
  16. it would be interesting to open a few jenalabs (aka the butcher) r10 cabling jobs to inspect more of their work. Curious to see if using sticky tape is their common practice because if not it seems like they were attempting to do more cover-up and make it harder for anyone else to open up.
  17. the jenlabs' defense http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gUP5GzHIojU&feature=related head-fi jury (not guilty)
  18. i listened under meet conditions briefly albeit intently. comparing amps without the reimyo really isn't fair and puts the amp at a substantial disadvantage, but still i heard amps at the same meet without the reimyo i favored over the earmax with the l3000s.
  19. you spoke to the buyer and i spoke to the maker/seller (Blackie)... both have reason to fudge the numbers.
  20. http://www.stereophile.com/news/042406heaven/index.html fifth pic down--i believe and it's the one with the copper top. i spoke with blackie about a year ago, he now lives in Los Angeles, and he charged over $10K for that amp.
  21. are you sure about that.. \ Craig only made one and it belongs to jp#s. DHL damaged it in shipment and when Craig fixed it plus doing a few changes and modifications did it turn into this special amp, imo. i don't even think this amp has left California in it's current state.
  22. the balanced ZD provided what seemed like doubled the sound stage of a single the ZD and HD2 (single ended), but most amps and should I probably say headphones as well don't really convey sound stage well (like speakers). i'd liked to hear the dragon. did it do the sound stage thing with the HP-2s?
  23. i heard it with the l3000s, not impressed at all with it. the best tube amp i've heard to date is the Eddie Current HD2. i would like to hear Mikhail's high-end stuff, but when the opportunity has presented itself i've had repeatedly bad luck because it's not working right, in transit to SP for repair or already there--sad but true. plus SP high-end stuff tends to easily break $4K and that's the inexpensive ones.
  24. pickled pineapple
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