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Everything posted by 909

  1. 909

    magic jack?

    i've been using the magicjack for over a month now, placing calls all around the US, and it has worked reasonably well during that time. good enough, in fact, that i will be canceling my home landline. i would say the call quality is just as good as my cell phone (verizon razor) and on a few rare occasions slightly worse than a cell. granted, there have been two calls that were absolutely horrid and required i use my cell, yet all the others the magicjack did the job just fine. overall i have not been super impressed or even completely satisfied with magicjack customer service. they're exceedingly polite and sometimes mind numbing and frustrating to chat with (no telephone support), but they really just seem pointless as they can't offer or do much of anything at least that has been my experience with respect to my few minor issue. i wasn't able to get my original area code (310), but i suspect that has more to do with availability in my area than anything else. i settled on the somewhat new overlay area code for Los Angeles (424), which isn't so bad i suppose. the other minor issue, is that i couldn't place an international call to the philippines during many attempts over the course of three consecutive nights and just gave up, even though, i paid $10 upfront to make overseas (international) calls. i have yet to try again so possibly it might work. what else... well, although, i primarily use the magicjack with my macbook wirelessly, sound quality improves a bit with a direct ethernet cord connection. also some secured sites (fidelity, etrade, etc...) that i visit seem to bog or not want to work while the magicjack is hooked up. the chassis is cheap plastic so i wonder how long it will last before the mirror stuff starts flaking off. all in all for a little more than $4 bucks a month for the first year and less than $2 a month thereafter, it's easily worth it considering the cost savings and that you can use it anywhere you have high speed internet and a phone. i suspect this year alone i will save over $300 and call quality really isn't that bad.
  2. good to hear they have been fixed.
  3. did you get your gs-1000s fixed?
  4. plans in the works for Friday the 27th of June.
  5. the 307a drives speakers?
  6. congrats! looks fantastic and probably one of the best ss available. left/right volume pots... how many switch positions?
  7. i don't even know what to say except wow.
  8. yes. that's why i didn't play into his hand.
  9. i bet he's just jerking our chains.
  10. 909

    slow forum

  11. 909

    slow forum

  12. 909

    slow forum

  13. you are either with us or against us
  14. i agree with your first statement--no need to rationalize. i sympathize since moderation is a thankless job.
  15. there's one--grado made it! about a year ago i purchased a new pair that had substandard wood and workmanship, but grado didn't want to cherry pick. they told the merchant to send me a replacement, which wasn't much better. i just returned it. i'd contact grado and tell them your problem and concerns. they should take care of you.
  16. just making an observation.
  17. i've read posts and received messages from mods on that other site that are near identical to these comments. \
  18. 909

    slow forum

    YouTube - Journey's discovery of Arnel Pineda YouTube - Arnel Pineda of Journey Featured on Ellen DeGeneres YouTube - JOURNEY Arnel Pineda at the Ellen DeGeneres Show
  19. i like the wood. it looks freaking tight! the lt-30 reminds me a bit of the yamaha px-3.
  20. 909

    slow forum

    i agree with you dusty, but her assassination comment was royally stupid.
  21. 909

    slow forum

    http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5j3a8_hillary-obama-rfk_news Hillary brought up the assassination of Sen. Robert Kennedy today while defending her decision to stay in the race.
  22. 909

    slow forum

  23. 5K load thanks, Reks. i'll take a close look at the fluke.
  24. thanks for the suggestion. any modification has to wait until i get help because i don't have the skill to pull this off. no, i don't own a multimeter.
  25. and here's the HC-1b power supply for the PS-1.
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