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Everything posted by 909

  1. with the denon DL-110 it would be ideal to match the loading closer to 1K (some even suggest a bit lower) for correct damping of it's hi-frequency range.
  2. 909

    free slurpee

    today is 7/11 -- 7-11 is offering 1 free 7.11 oz slurpee per location. if you live near several 7-11s, you could drive around and collect several slurpees.
  3. how many threads does it take to select a few different head-case t-shirts? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.... and likely more to come.
  4. talk time charges are similar to what i am currently paying, it's the 35 extra bones for the internet in my pocket... (wish at&t didn't up pricing, i'd be less on the fence) watching the market tank? i decided to get an iphone because we're all going to hell in a bucket.
  5. i hate the fucking temptation to get one of these fucking things. just don't know, if i really want to be contractually obligated to pay at&t 90 bucks a month for two years...
  6. i've searched a bit, but can't find any specs on the pearl... are gain, load impedance and capacitance adjustable and if not what's it set at?
  7. justin, is that the largest pic you could post? i don't think it's big enough.
  8. i thought as much, but still want to respond to that utterly absurd comment. you be shilling
  9. i've heard the after order delivery wait can be months and months. a friend decided not to go with them because APL didn't even respond to his two or three initial inquiry emails. another factor to consider, is that APL is always updating designs and in relatively short time, which drives some bonkers.
  10. no, not partially... i've not spent enough time with the Emm Labs to form a conclusory opinion, but i think each player does certain things better and also each has different shortcomings. for what it's worth, a professional composer friend of mine has heard both in his rig and prefers the Reimyo. in a nutshell, his main complaint is that the Emm Labs, as good as it sounds, smears the notes whereas the Reimyo sounds closer to the real thing.
  11. what, no love for the cdp-777
  12. i'd call J&R and find out how long... if you can't wait here's a Las Vegas dealer selling it for $259.95 plus shipping. i indirectly bought from him a few years ago without a problem. his prices are reasonable -- his policies are wacky nor do I think some of them would hold up if you needed to contest the sale with your credit card. just read the small print and beware especially of the restocking fees.
  13. both carts are really very good especially for the price and if loaded properly and matched properly to the arm. though and i am biased, based on my research all things equal i'd vote for the 110 as it might be better balanced, a little more polite so to speak and less prone to brightness. i believe that is one of the biggest and most common criticisms leveled against the 440. the most important thing to look at are the specs of your receiver because your arm is likely good to go with all. you might be better suited to go with a MM instead of MC, which would put you into either the Shure or the Audio Technica(s) as those might be a better match with your receiver than the finicky and less output denon. i'd spend the extra cash and get the 150 as it has received high praise on quite a few threads, smoother top end and most prefer it over the 440.
  14. i wouldn't touch the stylus with anything, but a dry brush before play that's supplied with most, if not all, carts. if you want to get a little more exotic try the Mobile Fidelity LP-9 cleaner between use. imo, the absolute best way to take care of your stylus is to clean your records really well before the stylus touches them.
  15. the 103 is a fantastic cart. i really wanted to get the 103r because it is supposedly well suited for classic rock, but my arm doesn't weigh enough as that cart likes (needs) a heavy tonearm.
  16. M97xE for $55.87 with free shipping from Amazon Denon DL-110 for $139.99 with free shipping from Amazon Audio Technica AT-150MLX for $249.99 with free shipping from J&R i've tried quite a few carts and settled on the DL-110. if you google it, you'll find great reviews on it. i want to get the AT-150MLX because i've also read fantastic things about it. edit... to get the best out of these carts they need to be loaded properly. based on my research this is likely true with most carts. the denon is one that can really shine, if it's loaded right.
  17. i've tried a few phono stages (cambridge 640p, an ec proto, and a friend's homemade tube phono). i purchased the monolithic ps-1 and hc-1b used off audiogon for $370 delivered. i've been happy with it and can't complain much considering the price. from what i've read the ps-2 isn't that substantially different, though, it does i believe offer higher gain so it is better suited for low output carts--also it starts off at a higher gain as well. i am using the DL-110, which tests in at around 2.1 mV and have the gain set at medium.
  18. the g08 was my first wow source experience. i seriously considered buying one, but couldn't get over it's artificial presentation coupled with that seemingly silky wet delivery. basically everything felt over-processed, chopped-up and reassembled. after hearing a true stock 508.24, i thought it was the better of the two units as i preferred the more organic presentation and it got 90 to 95% of the information across without seeming digitally processed to death.
  19. 909

    slow forum

  20. i haven't heard the 307A, but i seriously doubt that amp has any hint of brightness, harshness or even thinness, but more likely you are hearing your source unfiltered for probably the first time.
  21. 909

    slow forum

    [url=http://videolog.uol.com.br/video.php?id=343906]Presto | Videolog - Meu V
  22. 909

    slow forum

  23. Greg, Happy B-Day, hope it's a good one with lots of cheer!
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