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High Rollers
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Everything posted by 909

  1. i clicked on a link.
  2. two Pliny the Elder at Father's Office --plus a killer burger, shared frites & beet salad for the wife.
  3. if you do decide to build one, you might want to find/try the jensen blue speaker as i believe they were the real original deal back in the day.
  4. i also have a paul reed smith.
  5. Gibson Gibsonette more gibsonette info by the way, it doesn't have to say gibsonette just be something within or around the same family that's including the GA-5 to GA-9 i believe the schematics are available online.
  6. must be new or are you open to used?
  7. i am just skeptical -- as it isn't easy to isolate whether it is solely components or the mind or a combination of both that brings about such supposed audible change. i didn't even think about the wires, yet my experience with RCA listening demonstrates that different cables can sound different. though, as of yet i haven't experienced or even really attempted to hear if my cables change during the "burn-in" period. i can only say that most drivers, cartridges and a few digital sources have changed for the better, from minor to noticeable, during the break-in period.
  8. iems are subject to burn-in? i thought the general consensus was that they aren't. i guess it makes sense if my assumption holds water that iem drivers are stationary or probably better put don't flex like most other drivers.
  9. at the rite aid out here you've got to ask for it since they keep it in the back.
  10. black label on sale for $23.95 +tax at rite aid.
  11. white peach
  12. my very tasty homemade chicken parmesan and now a few beautiful looking and tasting raspberries.
  13. 909

    slow forum

    NSFW NSFW - LiveLeak.com - Banned: Nude Eva Mendes In 'Obsession' Ad
  14. question the obvious
  15. yeah, the seller finds the thread and uses it somehow against the buyer.
  16. white peach
  17. happy b-day -- hope it's a good one!
  18. congrats!
  19. the 103 is a great and legendary cart. you might experiment with the (washer plate) weight that came with the cart since heavier is most always better with that one. i've tried both, with and without, and prefer the weight with my 110.
  20. yes, i am still very pleased with my biotracer especially after getting things dialed. in fact, i haven't touched my digital source in weeks. here's a little info on the PS-X75. yeah, i've a few records i'd like to clean to see if that reduces the dirty noise, but i have many more that are exceedingly quiet and most are just primarily negligible where it doesn't really bother. a stylus that digs deeper in the groove is likely to reduce such noises too. local pick is ideal -- and if it is in good condition and a good deal, go for it! i seriously doubt, you'll be disappointed.
  21. if you have to eat it, i'd say it ain't fresh. hi-c is a drink.
  22. great looking tt and very nice pics. is your denon a straight 103 or is it the "r" version? assume the ps-1 has enough gain... congrats! be forewarned vinyl is highly addictive and may cause digital anxiety.
  23. jump crew
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