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High Rollers
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Everything posted by 909

  1. i vote to banish her and edit thread titles that reference her usernames -- i suspect others feel the same. We should snuff the monster and end this nightmare.
  2. The Raconteurs CD
  3. glad to see you've conceded that point, but if someone feels like shit that has more to do with them than anyone or anything else.
  4. i've wanted to use this smilie but the context never truly called for it until now--thanks and congrats for being the first... -=hypocrite=-
  5. pinkberry
  6. made a little eggplant parmesan for dinner
  7. 909

    i need ramen!

    well i twirl ramen like an italian with chop sticks positioned on that boat sized spoon while the rest slurp away -- i just can't slurp noodles, yet on occasion i try.
  8. without a doubt we've hit the mark to go forward, yet there's one sticking point that i am working on. please keep this tidbit on head-case.
  9. roasted almonds
  10. thanks Greg -- good to see you've got my back. here's the ticket-holder update: 1. guzziguy 2. guzziguy's guest 3. velogreg 4. jp11801 5. melomaniac 6. ldj325 7. edwood 8. Hunted Charlie 9. soundfreq 10. jbucla2005 11. BRBJackson 12. Mazuki 13. zippy2001 14. blubliss 15. Asr 16. santacore 17. Iron_Dreamer 18. Uncle Erik 19. FrankCooter 20. G.Kennedy
  11. this isn't improving the situation and i don't desire to continue this type of exchange, but what you sunk your teeth into, dry run and divided, was meant in good-natured jest as that one sentence was followed by a tongue simile and should have been taken in context. i could have put it better if i had said dry run of sorts because as you know it still requires contract negotiations with the hotel and offers us a better idea about the staff and facilities as this is likely the same location as CJ09. i feel bad and even more so after reading your post as i didn't read the meet chatter in the burning amp thread until late last night, but did search the meet thread before i picked the date. even you didn't mention it to me when you asked why i changed the date to the 18. if only i had known, but play the guilt and divisiveness card -- you nailed it.
  12. i had not anticipated saying anything else here or there, but come on what one wants to do isn't comparable to doing it. yet i didn't know about what he had wanted to do nor does it make a difference as i would never schedule a meet that's within driving distance of another on the same day even if i had wanted to do it first. just dishing a little lighthearted grief on hf and a bit more cutting over here as is the norm... the socal meet is more a trial run for CJ09 than anything else so it shouldn't really matter that we're divided. in fact, it should give us a more realistic idea as to the potential California turnout at CJ09.
  13. moon cake
  14. this is more like crosstalk than stereo
  15. wish you were here.
  16. 16. santacore 17. Iron_Dreamer 18. Uncle Erik we've received 18 advance ticket purchases out of 21, which is mighty good. hopefully, those three will pull the ticket trigger shortly. tomorrow i need to email one ticket. and am awaiting receipt of an email address.
  17. moon cake
  18. when in doubt, throw it out!
  19. 12. Mazuki 13. zippy2001 14. blubliss 15. Asr
  20. Date Change we have to change the meet date to 10.18.08. everything else remains the same.
  21. we look poised to sell twenty tix before September 10th, but we only have twelve confirmed attendees as that's the number of tickets sold.
  22. i thought black cats typically had black noses... YouTube - Rudolf The Red Nosed Cat and only one reindeer had a red nose -- i was wrong.
  23. very nice. did you pick the lipstick color too?
  24. it has been awhile, but i believe the main thing the 16 didn't have was a drain, which could create (stinky) problems as one can imagine and why VPI now offers the $69 upgrade. as to the differences between a true 16.5 and an upgraded one, i haven't a clue. so calling VPI or a longtime authorized dealer to find out would be wise. also, play the prudent buyer role as i do know most sellers don't readily bring it up, some play dumb or just don't know. also i believe the older models came with a foam mat glued to the platter instead of the newer easily replaceable cork ones.
  25. get the cicadas and incorporate a sub. craig suggested the sub idea to me, but i've yet to move on it.
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