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High Rollers
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Everything posted by 909

  1. i really appreciate the birthday wishes.
  2. thanks, Al. this evening i probably will have a dram of Glenrothes 1985 to celebrate.
  3. 909

    On Bacon

    WANT! can you buy that online? if so, please post the link.
  4. i don't know about that, but it should be decent enough, though, definitely different... how about some coconut charcoal? http://www.alibaba.c...t_Charcoal.html
  5. Mike that brisket looks so damn juicy and tender! when done right bbq brisket is absolutely amazing eats.
  6. no worries.... there's always a next time.
  7. shit, i thought the meet was scheduled for today, the 28th of May. my car is packed with my gear (HD2, Reimyo, L3000s, etc...) and before i left i needed the meet address and decided to check the thread again, so glad i did... immediately, i see that great after meet photo and commentary then check the first post only to see that the meet date had been changed about a month after my request post to attend and i believe no where else because i would have changed the date on my calendar. well, i am sorry i missed it and it looks like everyone had a fabulous time.
  8. as the meet date is fast approaching, do you need us to bring food, snacks, beverages, extension cords with multiple outlets, etc?
  9. two organic cornish game hens and about two pounds of organic broccoli
  10. i'd like to attend as well, so please put me on the attendee list.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=9YnnKO-2Yko
  12. i don't know if this link has been posted here before, but thought it something worth checking out. http://htwins.net/sc...rdercolor=white
  13. dinner -- fresh and wild caught sushi grade ahi tuna from fiji, cooked rare and a garlic basil paste spread on top... roasted organic golden beet, eggplant chips (brushed with garlic infused olive oil and sprinkled with himalayan salt and pepper), organic avocado, organic red onion rings soaked in bragg apple cider vinegar and organic salad...
  14. you did a fantastic job decorating your office Vicki -- it's very, very nice.
  15. i am revolutionizing the food industry. "...half of an organic artichoke."
  16. dinner -- organic beef liver with onions, mushrooms and garlic, organic broccolini, and half an organic artichoke.
  17. 909

    Happy Birthday LFF!

    Happy Birthday, Luis, rock on!
  18. they look like frozen fries to me too.
  19. looks super tasty to me
  20. i'd like that
  21. sounds amazingly good. the only casket iron skillet i currently have is used exclusively to cook steak and, even though, i try to remove the fat/oil i can't seem to get it all off. maybe, i should purchase another iron skillet for fish.
  22. yes, i overcooked it a bit, but my wife likes it more done than we do. i didn't put anything on it (not adding salt to anything these days), just placed it on a cookie sheet with parchment paper and baked it at 350 for 12 minutes or so. for the next 56 days, already completed day four, my wife and i are eating strictly paleo and trying to incorporate zone diet principles too (well, i more so), which is nearly impossible since i can't possibly consume 11 cups of veggies or 72 spears of asparagus or something crazy like that just to eat about 8oz of protein. next time i cook salmon, i'll cook it fast and very hot.
  23. wild caught salmon from Norway, organic broccolini, organic avocado, organic lemons and (not pictured) organic majestic garlic cayenne
  24. prime rib and root vegetables at Houston's in Pasadena
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