sent apuresound this email a few days ago and just waiting to hear back, but also would like to hear what you guys think..
I've got this itch to balance my L3000s by either re-terminating or possibly re-cabling them. Initially, I had thought and believed I would not re-cable these because it seems next to impossible to listen to both the stock and custom cable and then make an informed decision with my own system and ears. There have been certain components and cables I've come across that provide more energy and/or extension in the higher register, which results in premature listening fatigue. In my experience, it is rare to push the ceiling higher with finesse and refinement. Sonically this is my greatest concern, and secondarily, would be the potential of possibly losing too much weight and fulness that the stock cable seems to provide. Here's what I'd consider if I ordered a cable, somewhere between ten to 15 feet, super nylon, and not sure about what options would be available for a four pin XLR (1). Or possibly, and this is what I've been leaning towards until day, just get the stock cable re-terminated. I'd appreciate your input.
Kind regards,
David (909)"