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Everything posted by 909

  1. in this hobby, it's virtual impossible to avoid having some sort of conflict of interest from time to time. imo, the issue here isn't the source, but whether the information provided is accurate. it appeared that the tango comment, which led to this discussion was more likely than not erroneous and the info i provided about the iron and boards manufacturer was likely right. the primary issue being hashed out in my mind regarding this subject is how broadly or narrowly one wants to apply the term custom to a particular part...
  2. possibly because i never offered my own opinion on the subject, yet yours seems to have as much validity and persuasiveness as my other friend plus i tend to trust both of you since you know more than me about this stuff, though, certainly one of you has a lot more experience and expertise building amps. it isn't such a big deal, at least to me, that both of you view the description on pretty polar opposite ends of the spectrum. that being said, i am really excited to hear this amp at CJ09, likely more so than anything else, and will judge the amp on sonics.
  3. reiterating what i heard about the transformers and tight/selling-lips. it's just another perspective from someone after reading the 307A product description, mind you not mine, but someone who really knows his stuff.
  4. a little birdie told me... all the iron in the ttvj 307A amp -- power transformer, inductor, input transformers, and output transformers are made by electra-print and are available to anyone to buy off his site. even the current source boards are bought from tent labs. only the chassis is custom.
  5. happy b-day!
  6. the only metallica LP i am really happy with. it is quiet and sounds excellent. it's the only 45 i got.
  7. vinyl
  8. it's probably because not only Pete, but Todd needs to get their points on the product -- everyone gets their cut, right? i've had a loaner ec-ss and the ttvj (phonostage mind you) chassis just seems overall less expensive to make.
  9. dude, i felt the same way about the ttvj phonostage. plus i had serious noise issues because of the lack of the ground wire attachment. the small and plastic selector dial was godawful, imo. i wasn't 100% sure i had it dialed in where i actually wanted it and felt it couldn't be anymore cheaply done -- sad, but true. i couldn't even write a review given my poor listening experience with that product.
  10. now we know you're home safe and recovering, which is absolutely great news -- where are the fucking pictures of your battle wounds?
  11. i need/want a good cigarette, but don't have anything to smoke.
  12. 909

    slow forum

  13. 909


    PHK RECORD CLEANING MACHINE - eBay (item 160314385421 end time Mar-08-09 11:22:54 PDT) i bought one. it works well and can't beat the price.
  14. awesome, i'll pm the details tonight. thank you.
  15. I'd like to buy this t-shirt from the UK Comic Relief charity, but unfortunately for me they don't ship outside the UK. If someone in the UK could help me -- I would really appreciate it and, of course, cover the cost of shipping and the t-shirt.
  16. 909

    slow forum

  17. thanks, guys! i am very optimistic and will definitely dish out the goods on this component.
  18. my wife and i enjoyed the wrestler and thought it was a very good movie. (my two cents) thanks. unfortunately, we got there too late to bet on stardom bound and the following three races, which we bet on we didn't win. regardless, we had a great time.
  19. went to santa anita with my wife today to see stardom bound run... and she won! the last few shots are of the owner, iavaorone, the same guy that owned big brown. here's a slideshow of the photos i took. it was a beautiful day. Picasa Web Albums - David - stardom bound
  20. Ken, here's wishing you a speedy and complete recovery. I hope you've received medical attention by now and resting up in a hospital or better yet your own comfy bed. when you get settled and everything is under control, let's see that bike of yours and if you're feeling frisky enough show off those wounds.
  21. hope it's to my liking, fingers-crossed.
  22. happy b-day Jeff!
  23. vinyl
  24. waldorf salad & tomato bisque soup
  25. true, but near impossible to fit in the mouth all at once.
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