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Everything posted by 909

  1. packing boxes and getting ready to move...
  2. just had three thin slices of white aged vermont cheddar cheese and a bit earlier had some mango and coconut slices with a few pinches of salt and freshly squeezed lemon. might grab thai or japanese noodles for dinner.
  3. 909


    that's a seriously good deal! did you post the link and info on headfi too?
  4. happy b-day, KG!
  5. 909

    CanJam 2009

    just commenting on "the counter" and providing my two cents for whatever they are worth... my wife and i have been to the counter three times and one of those times at their new location in marina del ray and this place has never impressed us nor do we get what other folks like about thsi place. i'd take a burger from father's office, in-n-out or five guys in carson any day over the counter without a second thought.
  6. 909

    CanJam 2009

    here are a few eateries i'd recommend... Tito's Tacos Johnnie's Pastrami Restaurant this place is all about their pastrami sandwich and their chill cheese fries are pretty damn good too. SugarFISH - Welcome to sugarFISH! a very different spin on your usual sushi bar... fish is extremely fresh and the rice is served slightly warm to bring out the fish's full flavor, which is the traditional way. The best deals here just going with the "trust me" or "trust me lite." Paco's Taco (the Centinela Ave locations is the only one you should go to!) TENDERGREENSFOOD (boomana, if you can, you need to try the happy vegan salad -- it's my favorite and absolutely amazingly good!) Versailles Cuban Restaurant (just get the garlic chicken and the culver city location is the best one i've been to, and i've been to a few.) Samosa House it's set-up like panda express, but it's vegetarian only‎ india food -- reasonably cheap and really good.) Phillips Barbecue 1517 Centinela Ave Inglewood, CA 90302 (310) 412-7135 no website, no place to sit, but the Pork ribs are the best I've had in LA. i could probably add a ton more as within 20 to 30 miles of LAX are some fantastic restaurants, but i tried to stick with the relatively inexpensive, reasonably quick and consistently good eats somewhat near by the hotel.
  7. the drier climate seems to delay the usual tell tale signs...
  8. what and no lead paint?
  9. 909

    CanJam 2009

    before you hold me to anything let me check with my friend first, ok.
  10. 909

    CanJam 2009

    i might be able to get my hands on another reimyo cdp-777...
  11. never entered my mind, but audio gear getting corroded did.
  12. Chinese Drywall imported during housing boom causes corrosion, possible health risk... NBC2 News - Chinese drywall: What to look for Toxic Chinese Drywall Problem About to be Investigated in California and Arizona
  13. and poontang...
  14. lies! well, at least the part about not caring...
  15. that's too selectively random. contrived.
  16. "our" resident, voice of the people.
  17. you're such the earsmucker.
  18. welcome to head-case.
  19. i sense a bit of pent-up disdain.
  20. 909

    slow forum

  21. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9jp3de50_d8
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