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High Rollers
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Everything posted by 909

  1. 909

    slow forum

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwyS_jmF0ug
  3. happy b-day!
  4. how many eggs are used in a large fake turkey?
  5. 909

    slow forum

    Paul McCartney’s son finds The Light
  6. blue box let it be revolver
  7. snl
  8. i don't know, but that horse seriously didn't want to enter the starting gate. it was bucking like a wild bronco, though, they really did try very, very hard to get that horse in. after the scratch, they gave everyone more time to replace/fix their bets, if necessary. thanks, i wasn't going to bet until i saw zenyatta before the race at the paddock -- she is an awe-inspiring horse and just looked so poised to win.
  9. just got back from the breeders cup. put all the money i had in pocket on zenyatta to win!
  10. iPhone is fine... heading to the breeders cup, just getting some cash from the ATM
  11. if it isn't too much trouble, i'd like to see a pic or two. sounds super tasty.
  12. kind of looks like the cover artwork from jay-z's recent release... Amazon.com: The Blueprint 3 [Clean]: Jay-Z: Music spinning on the ps-x800...
  13. congrats! awesome table, mike...
  14. Entire Beatles Catalogue Available For Download! For Now. - CraveOnline.com
  15. familia original swiss muesli cereal with raw milk and a hard boiled egg
  16. farro and a bunch of other groceries at whole foods. i've been looking for fucking farro for fucking two weeks, but everywhere it has been out of stock.
  17. 909

    Happy Halloween HC

  18. isle of man vintage cheddar
  19. Abloy Protec Single Cylinder w/ Lockable Thumbturn Deadbolt
  20. i bought and returned this product. it worked, but i couldn't justify keeping something that i could purchase all the bits and pieces at home depot for something like twenty bucks and he is charging, what, $150 for it. plus, as john noted it is a seriously wet and wild water project of a bitch to use.
  21. i got mine off ebay for something like $135 shipped long before he set-up his website. i suspect it might be around $160 now, but send him an email and ask.
  22. this is my cheap recording cleaning machine, which does a decent job. i got the one with the motorized platter.
  23. glad you are ok and hope the other party is too. if the bag previously deployed, the auto body shop or the insurer, might have failed to replace the spring. even in cases where they have been recycled, there is usually a higher failure rate.
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