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High Rollers
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Everything posted by 909

  1. at $10K, they shouldn't have an issue doing that as their profit margin has to be through the fucking roof.
  2. organic grass fed beef tenderloin organic spinach, garlic and extra virgin olive oil organic grilled eggplant and balsamic vinegar infused butter
  3. looking at it a bit closer, i think you're spot on Al. someone should tell todd asap.
  4. see for yourself (the heart and soul of the Pinnacle), scroll down, last photo. APEX Pinnacle [Pinnacle] - $10,000.00 : TTVJ, Home of High End Audio even the power supply guts seem to match the chassis.
  5. it looks like a hybrid of sorts -- rs audio (knobs and switches), ec (black and industrial), and ha (gs-1 chassis). and why so many different colored lights, almost like christmas lights. the overall look isn't so bad, and much better than the 307A, which seemed straight up 70s styling. i wonder who is going to shell out $10K for it... the guts from todd's site:
  6. 909

    Post Your Pet

    thanks, Greg. Jacob, is that a terrier?
  7. 909

    Post Your Pet

  8. 909

    Post Your Pet

    i'd be eating them things. Buy rattle snake meat, Rattle snake meat online,
  9. 909

    sick of head-fi

    threads like this are just some of what's not right over there... assimilate here or thank you for your attention, i hope you enjoy your time here.
  10. i grabbed a tri-tip plate with mutabbal at zankou chicken for an early lunch.
  11. a soft-hard boiled egg
  12. i don't know why, but this is the image that popped into my head.
  13. Inov-8 F-Lite The Original <br> Eco Yoga Mat | Barefoot Yoga Co. got the 84" in natural
  14. yes, get your mind out of the gutter. Sweet Young Coconuts | Melissa's Produce
  15. nope, sorry. the salad, bottom right ( #8 )... Untitled Document the coconut, but today i ate it out of the nut as it cracked to a decent size opening.
  16. just had a spicy tuna salad. now eating fresh young thai coconut meat.
  17. 909

    slow forum

  18. roasted chestnuts
  19. fresh young coconut meat from thailand.
  20. thanks. the dinnerware is emeril professional porcelain super white by wedgwood. i scored the five piece set, for four, at costco for something like $35. my only regret, i really should have bought another set as it's been very durable for everyday use and still looks great after nearly two years -- now, though, it looks to be discontinued.
  21. some homemade grub -- fresh woodear shrooms, spinach, fresh garlic and ginger, peppercorn medley, lean spencer steak, a touch of soy sauce, and some other spices and whatnot...
  22. 909

    The Live Music Thread

    Paul McCartney at the Hollywood on March 30, 2010 rolling stone wrote a bang-up review... Paul McCartney Revisits Beatles Classics, Solo Gems at Hollywood Bowl Marathon : Rolling Stone : Rock and Roll Daily i wanted to bring my camera, but left it in the car as i always worry i'll have to hike back to the car with it or it will get confiscated. a ton of people were taking pictures and some even recording videos as there are already at least 15 or so such videos on youtube. here are some of the photos i shot with my iPhone from my terrace box -- the quality and no zoom is upsetting. pre-concert all my loving & got to get you into my life blackbird Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da let it be live and let die ah, look at all the happy people... (never seen the bowl so full. in fact, i didn't see a vacant seat.) confetti (the end) on so many different levels, this had to be the most amazing and awe inspiring concert i've ever been too.
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