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High Rollers
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Everything posted by 909

  1. a teaspoon of sunflower butter
  2. two strips of organic uncured bacon and two organic eggs sunny side up
  3. usually, i have at least one big heaping bowl of salt per week, but it's epsom salt mixed in a hot bath.
  4. did you make a call or just fondled it?
  5. in 15 minutes, half a fire roasted chicken and garlic paste.
  6. why, because i care about the people around here... my mother-n-law had a stroke two days after thanksgiving, it ain't pretty to see an able bodied person become disabled overnight. and nearly a month later, in fact on xmas eve, my dad had a stroke scare. i know my mother-n-law liked her salt and my dad too, but not nearly as much, so i am only conveying what their doctors said everyone should do to reduce their risk.
  7. i like salt too, but... High salt intake hikes stroke risk | Science News | Find Articles at BNET
  8. i've been cutting as much sodium as possible out of my diet. though, can't say i ever liked salt on my watermelon.
  9. tell me more about those skinny unhappy people
  10. 15 raw pecans and three super dark organic chocolate squares.
  11. blackberries
  12. fire roasted chicken
  13. soft/hard boiled egg coconut meat
  14. nice cake nate, you have mad icing skills.
  15. 909

    Happy father's day!

    happy father's day to all the fathers on head-case.
  16. leftovers soft shell crab roll, ginger and some sauteed spinach, asparagus and shiitake mushrooms.
  17. hey everyone, thanks for the b-day wishes! i had a fantastic sushi dinner, so full. minutes ago, i made a wish and blew out the candles. right now eating german chocolate cake ice cream.
  18. smoked oysters
  19. 12 pineapple cubes and 15 raw pecan halves
  20. don't know if this has been posted here or there... Can Jam Chicago, 2010, International Head-Fi Meet
  21. 909

    Canjam 2010.

  22. 909

    Canjam 2010.

    hey now that leaves little to the imagination.
  23. 909

    Canjam 2010.

    thanks, Peter, i think five guys' french fries are some of the best fries around. it would have been fun to see Ed munching away on his collected tasty duck fries then handing over the leftover bits and pieces. i really wish i could have made it as it's a bit painful to view the good time that was had only in pictures. i think i've missed enough of these events that if there's another, i'll manage to get there. btw, your photos as always are great.
  24. just had a teaspoon of sunflower butter (so good). now, chopping on some tasty blackberries.
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