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Everything posted by peranders

  1. I think this will have no impact at all when it comes to heat transfer but I'm glad if you prove me wrong. How much power will you dissipate in the transistor?
  2. ... not quite. The DCT02 has two layers and 105 um (3 oz.) copper. The small super regulator boards has 4 layers with 70+35+35+70 um. All high current tracks are doubled = 140 um if you add both of the sides. At the moment two designs have 4 layer boards.
  3. I designed a PSU board in cooperation with Jan Dupont for his Lynx amp. Send me email if you want the documentaion. Picture
  4. 1. No. I have never used extra flux.
  5. Latest news via google translate [url=http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=sv&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.euphonia-audioforum.se%2Fforums%2Findex.php%3Fshowtopic%3D8151]Google
  6. Have you checked Youtube? Lot's of stuff there.
  7. You have a sliding scale of performance when it sounds awful, bad, fair, nice and very nice and this scale is very dependent of the music you are listening to. Headphones are a rather easy load so it's in other words pretty easy to make a good amp although there are differences. A friend of mine borrowed my QRV04 (OPA627, BUF634), QRV07 (TPA6120) and my masterpiece QRV08 (discrete). All designs have extremely low distortion but the QRV08 was too good. It revealed too much recording flaws according to him but I like to hear everything so it's about personal taste also.
  8. I would worry a thing about this if we talk in electrical terms. BTW: The copper seems thick.
  9. Can you post a picture?
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