Good day everyone,
I am in the process of purchasing a new DAC.... So Far, I bought a pair of Sennheiser HD800 and a WOO Audio 6 SE headphone amp. All my music is on Apple Lossless on an external hard drive.
My last step is the purchase of a new DAC.....
AUDIO-GD is what I have in mind so far.... This company has a lot of fans on Head-Fi, but it doesn't seem to be the same thing here....
The DAC I will buy should last at least 10 years.... maybe more, like my HD800 amd my headphone amp.
As I will not have the chance of listening to the DAC before I buy it, I seek for your help...
I am thinking of the Audio GD NFB 8 or REF 5 or Wyred 4 Sound Dac 1 or 2...
I'd like to have your opinions on that...
NFB8 uses the Wolfson 8741 DAC
REF5 the 1704uk chip
and W4S the Sabre 9018 chip...
Knowing that I have a pair of HD800 and a WA6SE tube amp... which DAC would you buy
I thank you for your time....