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About techenvy

  • Birthday 01/04/1983

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Newbie (1/6)



  1. hi, any good recommendations for a good amp or tube amp with sub outs and hopefully a good headphone output as well? good synergy with vinyl? thanks
  2. i lve my d7000, they get even better after burn in, the bass is controlled and the highs are rediculous!! if anything id like even more bass and a little less high,,, admitedly im low end type,,, but these will rattle your temples, in my case i do prefer to eq the treble down a bit if possible,, i have them running to my audio technica ha25d amp/dac, which also id like to note doenot have strong bass, so with a desktop amp, i may to be able to blow my brains out!! cant wait!! also these soudn very much like speaker,, it is quite impressive how loud you can make these go without distorting,,, be careful you can f your ears up. these cans are surprisingly super light weight( a big plus for me) and dare i say the Most comfortable cans i have worn to date! your ears do not rest on the inerds and there are just comfy and relaxed feeling, the pads are super comfy too, i may plan on modding them with some jmoneys but there is no need to, really they are quite comfy, u may be able to mold the ssig a bit. i highly reccomend these cans and there only other competitor the jvc dx1000 are almost twice the price,,,, i got my denon7000 for 540:) many have told me there bass is superior to the new senn hd800, also its a closed to open back scenario............i only have one major gripe about the d7000, the cord sucks,,,, its fabric lined and it twists very easily so be careful with you 7000 cord,, finally, for me this is not a problem but it seems that they are very large headstrap wize,,,, i donot have a large head, but i find that for best and most secure fitting and comfort, i keep the headstrap extenders closed all the way up, a perfect fit, so my point being if u know u have an unusually small head,,, u may have trouble getting a good fitting and may want to try them out first. -i will never sell my 7000
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