Just compare a $1000 PS Audio DLIII Sigma Delta to a $200 Ebay Adacom GDA700 or a $150 Audio Alchemy DDE v1.2, its embarassing. I honestly dont see how anyone can listen to the PCM179x chips.
Same can be said about the Benchmark. And this 19MK3 Chinese JY build beats them all, even the Pass D1 clone I built. Sorry I don't have any DATA, there is no serial port on my ears Take my advice or leave it, just trying to help people by not making the same expensive mistakes I made.
One thing does piss me off about AudioGD, they won't sell you the schematics even after buying the damn thing, I have never purchased anything from a car to a washing machine that I didn't buy the schematics (service manual) for. If it weren't for that I'de try one of there more expensive DAC's.