Hi all.
I am looking at purchasing better headphones to justify purchasing the Bryston DAC, which i purchased to justify purchasing Audioquest Cheetah cables...
I currently own 650, 595, 701 and shure 530. My amps are Cayin HA1 and BCL. I am currently loving the K701 with the Cayin amp. I listened to the Shure 530's the other day with BCL amp and came to a realisation that they have superior bass (low and tight) and midrange detail than anything else, whilst the 701 have the top end and uppermidrange detail. I want a phone to be able to combine the two traits.
Over the counter purchases are my only option. There are two contenders.
Senheiser 800 - detail top end, better bottom than 701.
Denon ADH 7000 - Bass like only a closed phone can do.
My mind is entertaining the thought of selling the lot and settle on Stax Omega 2s
What are your opinions?
PS. I am grateful to be allowed back - I can't even view posts at head-fi for information, and I was banned FOREVER!