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Everything posted by darthsilverice

  1. Not sure why you would make that claim? What would then be the definition of a true fan?
  2. I guess I should reword my original post. What happened last night only represent a small minority of Vancouverites. Its embarrassing to see it happen when many are watching but those people are not real Canucks fans nor real Vancouverites. The clean up that happened in downtown vancouver where many vancouverites attended despite having work and school are the real Vancouverites. They are a more accurate representation of the city as a whole.
  3. If you look back on their regular season and previous 3 series against Chicago, Nashville and San Jose, you don't really see any of the embellishment. When you play against a team like Boston, you have to do a little more to show the illegal slashes, crosschecks and spears to the Zebras who are not really making any calls. And sometimes when you get cross checked and slashed at over 30 times a game with no calls, it gets pretty frustrating. They do occasionally embellish like most other star players and it is an embarrassment to the sport but to call the Sedins master divers is grossly incorrect.
  4. Since pictures are worth a thousand words, the post riot clean up pictures should speak for itself.
  5. Congratulation Boston Fans. You guys deserved the cup. Just another disappointing year for the Canucks, but we are used to that here. There is always next year... And what happened on the streets after the game does not represent the people of Vancouver.
  6. I guess I am the only one here cheering for the Canucks. The wait was painful but I am glad everything ends tonight. Its been a battle for both teams but may the best team come out on top. I sure hope Vancouver will bring home its first Stanley Cup since the Vancouver Millionaires. Luongo has had a few stinkers during the playoffs but he is the reason why the Canucks have made it this far. I hope the Zebras will let the players decide the game tonight. Go Canucks Go
  7. Well that was the nature of a slew foot, it fucks up your balance. You guys might hate him but we love him down here! Great game to watch so far and I hope the Canucks can come out on top!
  8. Happy belated birthday steve!
  9. ^ Awesome beating of the fLames, I enjoyed watching that game
  10. Congrats to the hawks and hossa. I guess they've waited long enough for this moment.
  11. I hope yesterday was not the last game of Lidstrom. Either way, fantastic career and he is my all time favorite hockey player.
  12. Just an amazing hockey game. wow.
  13. Just got back from the Canucks game. My first ever playoff game and the experience was amazing. Probably sat in the worst seats at GM place but the view was more than satisfactory. I mean I witnessed luongo's crazy glove save in OT, game winner in OT, 2 fights between fans and security, and 2 men in green spandex. What more can I ask for:). East Washington vs Montreal: Washington in 6 New Jersey vs Philadelphia: New Jersey in 6 Buffalo vs Boston: Buffalo in 6 Pittsburgh vs Ottawa: Pittsburgh in 5 West San Jose vs Colorado: Colorado in 7 Chicago vs Nashville: Chicago in 5 Vancouver vs Los Angeles: Vancouver in 5 Phoenix vs Detroit: Detroit in 6 Go Canucks Go
  14. Enjoy the sunshine in vancouver!
  15. Happy Belated Birthday!
  16. Happy belated bday!
  17. happy belated birthday!
  18. Have a good one man!
  19. Happy Birthday!
  20. Got my package from Donald! Thanks man!
  21. ^ at that price, its time to stock up and resell for profit!
  22. wow those things exist?
  23. happy belated birthday!
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