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Everything posted by mrmarbach

  1. The actual drivers look tiny, or is that an illusion?
  2. I've always thought the best solution to the dipole nature of estats is to have three listeners, two listening out of phase. Yes folks, this is the human centipede in audio form. Punishment for those who mod Staxes unwisely. šŸ¤ And thanks Audeze for doing the closed back estats sometime...
  3. Talking of which I would be curious to hear what Audeze would produce as a closed estat. Now THAT I could imagine in the studio.
  4. Mjƶlnir KGST
  5. Spritzer you bring this on yourself. What were you expecting?
  6. Sadly, I have a noisy family. No but seriously they are real noisy. I listen currently to SR-007A Mk2 with KGST, but need a pair of closed back non-stats, which will be run off my PureBipolar. I have collected names, and have so far Focus Stellia or ZMF Verite Closed or Kennerton Rognir. A shop some hours away has 2/3 of these in stock. The question really is, for a stat devotee listening to acoustic music (classical and jazz) will any of these be acceptable in the aim to help me forget my family? Or will they all make me run screaming from the house instead?
  7. I have Parkinson's, so I can only sit back and watch you guys. (Even if before Parkinson's I knew what I was doing, which I didn't...)
  8. Does that mean they've improved the treble, as with later SR-009s? Are they still on SZ3xxx ?
  9. Itā€™s obvious: itā€™s the Euro price in US Dollars. Seriously: they want ā‚¬7250 from me in Germany. Justinā€™s price equates to ā‚¬4929, which plus VAT is ā‚¬5858. Whatā€™s the other ā‚¬1400 for? Is it perchance a tax on stupidity?
  10. Hey Birgir, are you feeling ok?
  11. I'm just wondering about the comparison between SR-009 and SR-007 Mk2 SZ3. I've read up here, but it's rarely explicit whether the comparison is with SZ2 or SZ3. I believe Arnaud's SR-007 is SZ2, and he says SR-009 is brighter. Padam says the same but I don't know what sort of SR-007 he has. Has anyone compared SZ3 with SR-009 yet (while we wait for Spritzer to receive his SR-009)? I'm curious whether the brightness of SZ3 is more or the same as SR-009.
  12. That looks like a pretty normal mark-up for Europe, alas. It's hard to really understand the pricing without knowing the Yen price.
  13. The DAC clearly needs to go urgently - the question is only how much money I throw at a replacement, and if I hold out for a new generation Sooloos Ensemble in the MS600 line. And after living with the 404LEs for a year, I am quite sensitive to their weaknesses, not just the treble but the flubbery bass... Hence the ebay auction. (Thanks for the serious reply!)
  14. Schmerzgrenze is a very apt expletive, as it means "threshold of pain".
  15. Exactly. Why not bid?
  16. I've decided that the only solution is to buy a Meridian 808.3 and a pair of Omega IIs and a BHSE. To this, I have put my Grandmother on ebay.
  17. Are the engineers who designed the T2 still involved in the company?
  18. Aha, now it's getting interesting. What did he say about them, I wonder...
  19. Keep 'em comin'!
  20. My phones setup is in its early stages. I have a Cambridge Audio DACMagic (c.1993) going into 404LE and SRM-T1. There is a Meridian 518 jitter-buster before the DAC, and the digital source is usually my Macbook, and sometimes a Sony CDP-750 from 1988, which I love for it's incredibly fast track access and associated number pad. The problem is, I feel ill after not very long listening to it. A headache which is kind of metallic-toothachey... I don't think I am running it too loud. I suspect the problem is that the source combination is just way too crappy for the Staxes, which of course I know. Even the 518 can't save the DAC. It is probably a minefield of jitter, distortion and spurious crap - and I think fatigue sets in immediately. Do you all agree with my assessment of the situation?
  21. Oops, two more questions: - I've seen mention online of SRM-717 Mk2. Does that really exist? - There is no version with switching of the inputs, is there? - So like my T1 it has two inputs and they are both "always on", parallel? (Layman, me.)
  22. Thanks a lot for the comparison. I guess I'll be looking for a 717 then...
  23. You mean in the SRM-600? Doesn't sound very nice. I would rather it was just flat... Is the SRM-717 better? If so why?
  24. I have SR404LE and SRM-T1. Although I am only just beginning to use it a lot, it sounds wonderful so far. My only concern is that the bass seems to be a bit loose in comparison with my speaker system (Meridian DSP). Should I blame the headphones or the driver unit? If the driver unit I am thinking about the SRM-600 as a step up, but haven't seen many impressions of that on here - particularly in comparison with the other Stax amps such as the SRM717 and the other current models. Suggestions for my next step? (I am only interested in amps with balanced inputs, and for the moment only Stax's own ones.)
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