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Everything posted by Inu

  1. I�m struggling with a 680-700Hz ripple noise that originally coming from the -500V line. Both, -560 and -260V lines are also noisy too because of stacking from the bottom rail of the -500V PS. And, I noticed that one of the two HV transformers getting very hot. I measured current at the R33 15ohm, about 92mA (R=46.5+L=45.5) from the -500V line. (+500V line is about 56mA) Kevin, If you have a chance to open the top cover of your PS next time, would you check the current on yours?
  2. My T2 = 120V 2.2A so I'm using a 3.15A SB fuse.
  3. Thanks, If I got a shock from the scarily Active batteries, I am not here now
  4. Completed! Picasa Web Albums - inuponken - T2 Electric shock x 1 Burned parts: 2SK216 x 5 & 15VZD x 4 Sparked x 1 Flyed parts: None Who is next
  5. I’m using a 287K for the R50 and output voltage is 299.1V (-0.9V).
  6. I am using 3381-BL
  7. High voltage depletion mode JFET http://www.semisouth.com/products/uploads/DS_SJDP120R085_rev1.0.pdf#search=%27SJDP120R085%27 but it is too big...
  8. I ordered NBK with my home address in JPN. SPA-M3x15 100pcs ¥1,500 SPA-M3 Nut 100pcs ¥1,500 Shipping ¥500 + From JPN to US ¥1,300 (included hundred of Duel Masters cards for my son) Total ¥4,800 I used same way for all semiconductors and Takman. My son has over two thousand cards now.
  9. Thank you for translated a Japanese word into English.
  10. Craig, 7721-3PPSG is only fit to the 2SC3675. I am replacing all to the polyamide (they call RENY) screw now. Plastic Screw Characteristics Picasa Web Albums - inuponken - T2
  11. Local parts store that selling new and surplus parts from local industry. I can't remember the price but it was very cheap. <$1/pc
  12. I added 5P terminal on the PS board and changed R-CH 580V bias line to the 230V low bias line. A combination of the Zener Diodes on my unit is; GND > 80V+150V(230V from here)+150V+200V(580V). http://picasaweb.google.com/inuponken/T2#5493931120123168562
  13. I added a wire between the GND terminal on the EMI filter and GND terminal on the PS board otherwise I get an electric shock every time when touch both at the same time. Appearing voltage is about AC106V on the PS itself and it becomes DC208V when connect the AMP. When touched, it feels like a maximum position of OMRON massager. And without connect the chassis to the circuit GND, couldn’t eliminate the hum and static noise. I attached multi turn pots for temporary and play my favorite CD… My first impression is “very atmospheric” and “extended low end”. I couldn’t stop listing it, and extended my lunch brake to 2PM. Next biggest issue for me is a timing to show these big heaters to my wife …
  14. Wow! only 35min!!!
  15. Replaced 2SK216s and 15V ZDs. Both CH are working now. If I connect 100V taps to the connecters on the PCB, regardless of RY, HV appears on secondary of HV trafo. 20V(120-100)from LV trafo.
  16. Ebay Power Mosfet 8N80 8A 800V 35nC 13pF DMOS TO220 Metal x4 - eBay (item 180460936754 end time Jul-23-10 17:07:00 PDT)
  17. I bought them from here. I'm using FQPF (mold type) version. FAIRCHILD | FQPF8N80C | FQPF8N80C Series N-Channel 800 V 1.55 Ohms Mosfet - TO-220F - Future Electronics [url=http://www.futureelectronics.com/en/technologies/semiconductors/discretes/transistors/mosfets/Pages/9586512-FQPF8N80C.aspx]
  18. Working! Cause Position of the RV2 (10K) was way too low. Voltage starts moving from 8K to 10K position. As matter of fact, I used 2SK246BL instead of GR. I used lower idss group from my stock but it was not low enough. While investigating, sparked somewhere in the Active battery area and all of 2SK216 and 15V zener diodes in R-channel went to heaven. I need to find out the place that sparked. I can sleep tonight. Thank you for all your help. http://picasaweb.google.com/inuponken/T2#5489547000733455298
  19. Yes, before install, I measured; Vf for all LEDs and diodes. hfe for all TR
  20. Thank you for the advice. Before soldering, adjusted in the middle position for all pots. Check Current Sources = OK, no shorts. Cafe break = done Wear goggle = OK Flip the switch from the safe location. Confirmed all heaters are ON and wait for the timer
  21. I am afraid to apply HV to the amp board... Picasa Web Albums - inuponken - T2
  22. I have no more issue for the amp board.
  23. Missing TKD GND lands. On the schematics. R50 10K > 300ohm
  24. PS board. Not connected to the GND . > R14(2.2K) & R15(100), C7 & C8 (4,700uF) , R9(300K), U3(7815), U4(7915) Small
  25. Pin configuration of following Japanese small transistors are ECB not BCE. 2SC1815/C2240/C2705/A970  Shape of silk screens are opposite.
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