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Everything posted by Inu

  1. Can you send me a PM?
  2. I also searched for the LT8365 but couldn't find a way to buy it as a part. I can't wait until next year, so It's expensive, but I bought modules (boards). This is up to + or -280V, so I need to make few changes. https://strawberry-linux.com/catalog/items?code=18365 This shop doesn't have an option to ship to the US, so I got help from a friend in JPN.
  3. Made with double sided bread board. HVPS (LT8365) are on the way from JPN. I planning to divide it into four and stack these in 2 or 4 layers, but I don't think it will be a size that can be called "portable" but I will try...
  4. My u Tracer.
  5. Please add 1x main board. Thank you.
  6. i'm in for; 2x GRHV78xxx 2x GRLV78xx (mini or micro) 2x GRLV79xx (mini or micro)
  7. How about LT1021-7 with 510 - 560 ohm?
  8. I am planing to use Toshiba TTC004B instead of KSC2690A. Cob is lower than KSC2690A (12PF - 19PF) and better hfe linearity.... and I prefer Toshiba rather than KSC/KSA .
  9. Small board is for +/-15V. Small one on the right is 5/20/30 sec timer board (PIC). For the electrostatic headphone, please refer the following forum. https://www.head-fi.org/f/threads/my-diy-electrostatic-headphones.498292/
  10. Ugliest build.... Aluminum sheets from e-bay.
  11. How about 2SC5171 / 2SA1930? 180V, Lower Cob(16PF), Flat hfe-Ic In Japan, popular than 2SC2690(A).
  12. > G600 : Congratulations.
  13. NEGATIVE BLACK... Where???
  14. Dogs are enjoining oscillating high frequencies.
  15. 2SC3324 is NPN. 2SA1312? Upside down... Pars number is correct. sorry..
  16. Inu


    Thank you guys, To save cost for my future DIY projects, I am planning to make a universal power supply. Toshiba 6RA6 is not easy to find in JPN but we can find imported 9RA6 in US.
  17. Inu


    in progress... tubes are 9RA6 not 6S4A.
  18. JoeMat, Very nice! use LT1021 to the active battery is good idea. Keven, can you add extra pattern for the solid state input (LSK389 and 2SK170 x2) option?
  19. Inu


    How is a bias voltage? Too high or low...? Bias voltage is from a same circuit but if diaphragms have a different tolerance.
  20. D7,8 & 9 (200V, 200V, 100V ZD) ?
  21. VR1 1K pot
  22. I just returned from local surplus parts shop in Dallas. They are selling NOS 2SC3675 and 2SC4686A for $1.99/$2.75+tax I didn’t check 2SC3675 but 12pcs left for 4686A. ttp://www.tannerelectronics.com/
  23. Kgsshv + SiC with 50mA CCS?
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