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Inu last won the day on November 9 2011

Inu had the most liked content!

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  • Location
    Grapevine, TX
  • Gender
    Not Telling


  • Location
    Grapevine TX

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Inu's Achievements

Limited Edition Bronze Participant

Limited Edition Bronze Participant (4/6)



  1. Can you send me a PM?
  2. I also searched for the LT8365 but couldn't find a way to buy it as a part. I can't wait until next year, so It's expensive, but I bought modules (boards). This is up to + or -280V, so I need to make few changes. https://strawberry-linux.com/catalog/items?code=18365 This shop doesn't have an option to ship to the US, so I got help from a friend in JPN.
  3. Made with double sided bread board. HVPS (LT8365) are on the way from JPN. I planning to divide it into four and stack these in 2 or 4 layers, but I don't think it will be a size that can be called "portable" but I will try...
  4. My u Tracer.
  5. Please add 1x main board. Thank you.
  6. i'm in for; 2x GRHV78xxx 2x GRLV78xx (mini or micro) 2x GRLV79xx (mini or micro)
  7. How about LT1021-7 with 510 - 560 ohm?
  8. I am planing to use Toshiba TTC004B instead of KSC2690A. Cob is lower than KSC2690A (12PF - 19PF) and better hfe linearity.... and I prefer Toshiba rather than KSC/KSA .
  9. Small board is for +/-15V. Small one on the right is 5/20/30 sec timer board (PIC). For the electrostatic headphone, please refer the following forum. https://www.head-fi.org/f/threads/my-diy-electrostatic-headphones.498292/
  10. Ugliest build.... Aluminum sheets from e-bay.
  11. How about 2SC5171 / 2SA1930? 180V, Lower Cob(16PF), Flat hfe-Ic In Japan, popular than 2SC2690(A).
  12. > G600 : Congratulations.
  13. NEGATIVE BLACK... Where???
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