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Everything posted by punkaroo

  1. I just swapped out my tubes in my Millet for some 12FM6s (Tung Sols) and the SQ with the Devilsound is perfect; I also found that pairing a SS amp with a NOS dac sounds amazing as well! (I tested out an EC/SS with the Devilsound - it's incredible!)
  2. I found the RS-1s and the HF-2s to be very similar. I listened to both of them out of a MAD amp; but the HF-2s are more forward sounding, with better bass, and smoother highs. I love mine
  3. IIRC, I listened to a pair of 701s at a meet being amped by a C2C...and while I liked their detail, they had NO BASS!
  4. Last concert: The Temptations!
  5. I have a Devilsound NOS dac hooked up to a Mac (hey, that rhymed). I'm using a Millet Hybrid amp with it and listening with HF-2s. My ONLY complaint is the highs are a tad grating; I've broken in the HF-2s for many hours, and I'm thinking it may be the dac. Time to EQ a bit more. Other than that, I'm really happy with this setup
  6. punkaroo


    There's ESW9a and ESW9? I've never even heard of the 'a' model...
  7. punkaroo


    The ESW10s are an even better can than the 9s. Better detail, better highs, and they sound more open. (for a closed can) Too bad they cost a helluva lot more!
  8. A tube amp, like the C2C or a DarkVoice.
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