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Everything posted by gatto

  1. this pretty much sums up my day
  2. ha
  3. no I'm sure you're still a nerd, just a nerd that hasn't played Mutants and Masterminds or had Izzy's backstory explained I'm quite happy with how nerdy I am, but pretty much every aspect of my life is penetrated with nerdy stuff, all my friends at school are pretty hardcore nerds, I help run 2 conventions, I play in 2 soon to be 5 table top games every week, all I have time for is my work and nerdy stuff, and sometimes sleeping and eating.
  4. well my character's name is Izzy and she got knocked out by nightwatch (batman) because her elementals were being annoying... edit: sorry guys, I'm honestly such a nerd that explaining this doesn't seem the slightest bit odd to me
  5. what? making index cards for 11 hours?
  6. woke up after 5 hours of sleep, still a little drunk from last night. Rode my bike to the academic spine and met up with my Mutants and Masterminds campaign group where my character spent 5 hours accidentally breaking things and killing a few people, the session ended with her getting knocked out by our batman character and her rock elemental is currently holding her and saying he wants her to wake up because scary things are happening (he isn't terribly bright). Anyway! after that was finished around 3 I got lunch and biked back to my room where I opened my abnormal psych book and started making index cards.... I'm still making index cards.
  7. lol thanks
  8. these guys are cooler anyway
  9. It's a great show, I tried to be in it a few times at my last college but every time I had to decline my role at the last minute because of some sort of emergency.
  10. haha maybe I should put my avatar up
  11. haha it's going to take way more then penis jokes to scare me off
  12. haha sorry guys, moment of stupidity. Thanks boomana
  13. to everybody who kept telling me to get over here *waves*
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